Citizens to city council: Routine arrests ugly, hateful

David Tulis, Chattanooga’s “blogger with the biggest pen,” shows city council the narrowness of Tennessee transportation law in Title 55, warning that many abusive police arrests occur as officers operate outside its commercial scope. (Photo NoogaRadio on Facebook) Avery Gray is the angry mother of a girl arrested during an illegally arranged repossession of a […]

Cops drag woman out of car under commercial transportation law

Diana Watt, after being handcuffed, is ordered out of a car; the officer is counting down the time for her to act before he drags her out under the commercial transportation statute at Title 55, which requires the state to exhaust its administrative remedies. (Photo Jalonda Oattes on Facebook) Police’s routine claims upon travelers are […]

Prosecution of nonviolent Gray girl, 14, cover for 2 wrongs by cop

A repo man checks the VIN of a car he is about to seize in a noisy confrontation with the daughter of the debtor, who is dragged from the car by a city police officer in the sort of “breach of the peace” forbidden under Tennessee’s collateral repossession statute. (Photo police YouTube video) Dear Neal […]

Paying penny a day, people yield rights, avoid the accuser

Coal and nuclear utility TVA runs a police army that enforces traffic laws against private users of the roads, and claims jurisdiction to enforce transportation statutes anywhere in the state at any time. (Photo TVA) My correspondent Levi is a working man in middle Tennessee. A self-made legal scholar, Levi often sends me trenchant analyses […]

Hirsch case hints how state makes bizarre legal gyration to make itself god

Arthur J. Hirsch plays the fiddle at the residence of a senior citizen. The “Fiddle Man of Lawrenceburg” identifies bizarre legal lassitude the state allows itself in the prosecution of criminal cases, a process that implicitly rejects a biblical jurisprudence. (Photo David Tulis) Without even a signed order, the Tennessee Supreme Court rejected a petition […]

Omerrieal Woods faces phony ‘driving’ charges in East Ridge city court; his defense?

State traffic laws put commerce under police jurisdiction, such as enforcement by Tennessee Highway Patrol, whose badge makes clear his authority over commerce. East Ridge resident Omerrieal Woods faces East Ridge city court judge Chris Helton on the charge of “driving without a license.” Mr. Woods, a VW worker on the late shift, has never […]

Teacher Spencer arrested: A glance into soul of accused, & of ‘the system’

Top photo, Raquel Eleana Spencer in 2016, from her Facebook page. And, bottom photo, from her Whitfield County arrest mugshot in a drug case that expanded into a sexual exploitation by an authority figure criminal charge. Who is Raquel Spencer, and what she is suffering? My reflections on the arrest of teacher Raquel Eleana Spencer  […]

Residents take a lot of abuse from government; just don’t try to boot them from houses

Residents applaud a statement made by a city council member at a raucous East Ridge city council meeting consumed with objections to an expansive “redevelopment” plan. (Photos David Tulis) Meredith Moore, 30, a renter in East Ridge who works at a Christian nonprofit organization, is scandalized at the seeming low qualifications of members of East […]

Airbnb ordinance open to legal challenge, violates constitution on 3 counts

Many owners of houses like this one in East Ridge are being told they may not use the Internet to bring paying visitors to their dwellings. (Photo Zillow) Another Southeast Tennessee municipality is making war on the Internet, trying to raise a Beijing wall to keep out wealth that flows into town via short-term vacation […]