My Brother’s Keeper may be lofty program, but borrows from knave
President Barack Obama is doing somebody a favor in this image from the My Brother’s Keeper program on the White House website. Please read my essay at Tweet Pin It
Scientist ‘terrified’ by prospect of aerial program already in effect over cities
Jets pour white emissions into a sky in Germany March 6, 2013, in a program that promises to solve what is said to be a global warming crisis. (Photo Facebook) White jet plumes are not new. What may be innocuous condensation trails in this 1969 photo have been repurposed to serve environmental and military policy. […]
Flick hints at city rain droplet mystery, one explained by good professor
A fun video about Chattanooga raises a question: Is its weather natural? (Photo Justin Hall’s “Lapsing Chattanooga”) By David Tulis This week two videos about Chattanooga come to our notice, with a short one drawing our attention to unusual weather patterns. The more significant video runs nearly an hour and 20 minutes and gives insights […]
Elites revitalize city with quiet consent of public; dissenters want more government
Robert Ashton Winslow tells how superior people of means and talent in the past 50 years have reshaped the river city into a tourist town with a pro-environment reputation. “We are so diverse and full of ideas and we do have real divisions,” the young filmmaker says. “But polarization makes us forget that we really […]
FBI cements Republican, Democrat stranglehold on national state
John Whitehead [Local economy holds the results Tuesday’s balloting for officeholders as a matter of indifference. The success of either Republican or Democrat in Washington promises no relief, no reform. Indeed, national government’s and national economy’s problems are unreformable. The U.S. is run by a duopoly, and behind that a more clearly evident deep state. […]
Judges proposal urges give up gold for pyrite; an election roundup
Barbara Foster, left, of Chattanooga, and Lauren Smith of Soddy-Daisy enjoy an early voting experience Friday at Northgate mall in Chattanooga. By David Tulis Three important constitutional amendments on the ballot give us common people a chance to defy the will of the elites whose concentration of power secures their economic security and that of […]
Haslam, industry titans reject marketplace, digital redo in education
A sop for defenders of a decaying business model (the public school), Gov. Bill Haslam is pushing free community college for all high school grads, as proclaimed in a mailer. By David Tulis Gov. Bill Haslam’s Tennessee Promise program of free associate degrees for high school grads is being flooded with applications, not to anyone’s […]
Establishment gangs up to deprive Tennesseans vote on judges
The state’s business and political establishment supports force-fitting the constitution to fit an illegal law. Please read my essay at this link. Tweet Pin It
Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering in a nutshell: Bad news
This sky over Hixson, in Chattanooga, Sept. 11, 2014, shows the hazing out of the sun, a prime objective of U.S. climate modification soupmaking. [I am new to the weather modification story and until recently scoffed at scattered reports about global temperature increases. But work by an American writer and researcher suggests that I was […]
Why local economy disbelieves official narratives: 7 WTC
The collapse of World Trade Center 7, center, is the starting place for unraveling the official story about the events of 9/11. Today on the show (1 to 3 p.m. on Hot News Talk Radio 910 and 1240 AM) I give the local economy angle on this architectural miracle. Did you miss its demolition […]