City officials, cops ignore police powers notice

City officials and the police chief are ignoring a notice that indicates current traffic enforcement protocols are illegally putting people into custody and before courts who are not in commercial jurisdiction. (Photo David Tulis) City government is ignoring an 8-month effort to bring it into compliance with state and federal law regulating the commercial use […]

Without traffic stop reform, human flourishing in Tennessee will suffer

A truck overturns and rumbles to the side of Interstate 75 in Chattanooga. Trucking is subject of police regulation because it affects the public interest and seeks a profit on the people’s roads. (Photo WTVC Until we have Title 55 reform in Tennessee, we will have damage in society by state actors against human […]

Police powers notice to fight for place in county records

Police officers in Chattanooga conduct a transportation stop against a traveler who, under legal presumption only, is involved in transportation. (Photo David Tulis) County attorney Rheubin Taylor and county register Marc Gravitt are resisting entry into the county record books a document called transportation administrative notice. The notice has powerful implications for police and sheriff […]

Notice project exploits fissure between law, TN policy, creates cause of action

People chat in front of Chattanooga city hall, wherein Mayor Andy Berke has been advised of the limits of Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 55 and asked to halt enforcement against noncommercial users of the roadways such as hiphop artist “C-Grimey” Cameron Williams, photo below, giving me an interview at Wildflower Cafe, a man whose […]

Tires, engine, steering wheel do not motor vehicle make

I stand before a family car, a RAV4, and wonder if its engine and its tires and body make it a “motor vehicle” subject to police powers. Or does the use of the car create liability for obedience to police intervention under Title 55? (Photo David Tulis) Are you traveling down the highway in a […]

Title 55 charge puts young woman to tears

A THP officer gets back into his car after making a scene outside the Hixson Panera bread store, charging a young woman with “texting while driving,” enforcing a transportation statute against a young woman who legally admits she is involved in transportation (though as matter of fact, she’s not). (Photo David Tulis) The arrest of […]

Lassitude grips city council as members do busywork, ignore Berke violence

Sharee Robinson-James, left, talks with police official Danna Vaughn about private criminal activity outside a city nightclub while, background, city council member Erskine Oglesby, left, chats with a staffer for Mayor Andy Berke. (Photo David Tulis) A great lassitude seems to afflict the residents of Chattanooga and keeps them from being angry about the abuse […]

‘Double nickel’ traffic-stop reform = change of morals for city

Churches such as North Shore Fellowship downtown teach that the Christian gospel’s goal is the transformation of individuals and cities to be more loving — and more just. (Photo David Tulis) A city that adopts a policy of obeying Tennessee law regarding transportation and police traffic stops will effectively be altering its morals. Chattanooga is […]