Drinking, addictions, sex, college loans, bad friends — keeping sons straight
John Pike, a marriage counselor, explores the question of worldly children in the home, and how Christians can keep them in the faith. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet Pin It
Intern would learn news trade, boost this site, radio platform
Mike Steel, left, and Russell Stroud of Noogaradio assemble an FM radio antenna in the station’s Hixson studio. (Photo David Tulis) Russell Stroud is the news director of Noogaradio and is a story of how an intern becomes a partner. Mr. Stroud, 21, of Ringgold, Ga., has never set foot in a classroom, having been […]
Vacation Bible schools try to fill gaps
These website screengrabs show pitches of Chattanooga churches for VBS customers. Churches such as Mile Straight Baptist in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., offer summer Bible schools and camps to encourage conversion and Christian growth. (Photo David Tulis) Around town are billboards and canvas banners for churches providing Vacation Bible school. These gatherings last anywhere from three to […]
Homeschool expo says yes to personal relationships, no to ‘machine’
Exhibitors and students talk up pedagogy at the home education expo and curriculum fair that takes place this year at Camp Jordan in East Ridge, Tenn., July 15 and 16. (Photos Faith Hamilton and Ginger Sumerlin) A tot enjoys an educational gizmo at the annual home education fair serving the free market. Moms gather at […]
Localism over nationalism: Restoring America one county at a time
Christians and others are doing important work to develop the ideas we explore here and on AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio on the David Tulis program. Among those to provide a detailed blueprint about how reformation takes place is Joel McDurmon of American Vision near Atlanta. Here in a 2012 essay, he tells about […]
The day was warm and bright: A spring refresh in local economy
A child reaches for a flower in an exploration outdoors. (Photo Rochelle Marshall) The sun shone and my children frolicked in the sunshine on the broad path. Rue anemone and trillium lined our way as we journeyed along the stream, up towards the majestic falls. Past the broken log bridge, with the delightful tale of […]
Thanks to mom, homeschooling’s social capital will aid crisis ahead
Members of a Chattanooga-area homeschooling chapter of Heritage Girls take part in a parade. (Photo Shannon Conkle) The state has supplanted neighborliness and community with bribery and entitlements, but you know your old dad, 89, is fine for now in his little house at street’s end, and your littlest daughter brings him his morning paper […]
Questions drive parents to consider homeschooling option
By Calvin Beisner I often ask people, “Who in his right mind ever thought it made any sense whatever to entrust to the government the shaping of the minds of the people by whose consent it is supposed to govern?” Rarely have they entertained that question before, but usually they get the point immediately: Government-run […]
Would you indemnify, hold harmless public school by signing a form?
People entering public school are not asked to indemnify the system for injuries, but people visiting Raccoon Mountain are asked to sign a two-page legal agreement holding harmless the operator of its tourist-loved cave. (Photo Raccoon Mountain) By David Tulis By God’s providence and the gift of an intelligent woman as wife I have avoided […]
Schooling empties souls; but we can still educate children
Using a variety of media, an American mom named Linda educates six children ages 10 to 17 at home and writes a blog about family life and learning. (Photo Training6hearts4him) By Tammy Drennan I’ve been trying to get my head around the American attitude about education (and I’m American). I sometimes think that we Americans […]