Perils of online schooling

By Franklin Sanders Professor X is a tenured professor at a large state university. He teaches in a discipline that requires great labor, technical expertise, and years of study to master. No doubt some subjects can be taught online and many presentations online are helpful and valuable. But the professor is in no mood to […]

Purpose of Common Core: Centralize, standardize, digitize, harvest the young

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. (The more that changes, the more it’s the same thing.) — French proverb In part a review of The Educator & the Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges the Gates Foundation by Anthony Cody. (New York, Garn Press, 2014. 199 pages, no index. $15.30 from By Franklin Sanders […]

Beyond fighting Common Core, critic proposes schools exodus

Karen Bracken By David Tulis A Common Core critic in the Chattanooga area appears to have made an important conceptual break with the public school system, organizing a group that views an exodus as vital as her effort to rid the state of Common Core. Karen Bracken holds elected office as commissioner in Polk County, […]

Theology brings paralysis, death to Tennessee Temple

In an improvement from earlier years, Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, Tenn., teaches students how to deal with worldviews hostile to Christianity. By David Tulis The collapse of Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga tells of a faltering faction in Christianity that had its heyday in the 1960s in American fundamentalism’s peak. The school was a […]

Bartleby’s ‘I prefer not to’ keeps us from schools, standardized tests

The story of Bartleby the scrivener by Melville depicts dogged noncompliance with authority. The book at right explains how Christians can flourish by being noncompliant and resisting “the good people.” [Our interest in the ideas of local economy and free markets force us to dash ourselves against the ironclad sides of the public school. Heads […]

Tennessee Promise props broken system

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream Gov. Bill Haslam’s giveaway of associate degrees to high school grads seeks to intervene on behalf of a bureaucratic schooling system facing erosion from the digital marketplace where PDFs, free materials, free lectures, YouTube and online resources dominate. It’s as if he were the Fed, spewing credit into the […]

Local economy implies you have a Plan B as crisis builds

Many charts about national economy suggest it is not sustainable. (Graphic [Local economy is an idea that bears closer investigation because it carries along the idea that each of us must have a backup plan if national economy buckles and drags down our current mortgaged comforts and routines. My argument is that we should […]