Spratt explores how weather modification works, at least in theory

Dr. Henry Spratt explains how “albedo modification” would work to cool the planet, at least in theory. But a mass stratospheric aerosol injection program (chemtrailing) could have the opposite effect of trapping heat, he suggests. He’s on for an hour on Nooganomics.com the show, talking about sky striping as a theory with my listener at […]

UTC professor Spratt explores global warming, sky stripes, cloud ‘albedo’

Henry Spratt, UTC professor By David Tulis A sun dimmed by jet-made clouds, frequent sky stripe days over Chattanooga, the government’s trial balloon about a mass chemtrailing program to dim sunlight are on the table. What to make of them? Henry Spratt, a University of Tennessee at Chattanooga microbiologist, will address some of our questions. […]

Easter aerial visitation outside purview of U.S. Form 17-4

The U.S. government’s war on climate change escalates across Tennessee on Easter Sunday, as here in Antioch. (Photo Brian Mac) Easter Sunday begins bright and blue, but aggressive sky striping casts virtually every quadrant of the sky over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., and Chattanooga under a gray murk. (Photo David Tulis) Like Chattanooga, Knoxville is given a […]

Exposure of sky striping program will come through local economy

Bill Binney in his interview with TragedyandHope.com says phone and Internet surveillance is a project of totalitarian government and that it insulates the state from having its illegal acts revealed by whistleblowers and men of conscience. https://vimeo.com/117440574 By David Tulis The disk from the federal government contains two files. The data covers two days in […]

10 questions about sky to test your powers of observation

Often nowadays we see the sun through a hazy filter. Any ideas why? (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis In covering local economy and free markets in Chattanooga I have come upon the story of “solar radiation management” as it affects weather conditions and indirectly the health of local residents. I argue that strong evidence […]

Sky striping backers confer at Cambridge; murk hogs sunlight here

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. Jets heavily treated Chattanooga Sunday morning and late afternoon. (Photo David Tulis) Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 […]

Sky striping mere theory? Jet passes overhead, flicks spray nozzles

Nozzles flick on and off as this jet, spraying aerosols in the high atmosphere, passes overhead, with Dane Wigington of Geoengineeringwatch.org declaring such aerial activity a menace to human health and an evil prospect for peoples worldwide. 2 minutes. Tweet Pin It

Plumes scar sky as green group worries about theoretical chemtrail program

Jets paint a concentration of stripes east of Chattanooga on Sunday morning (March 8, 2015), as seen from Gunbarrel Road. (Photo David Tulis) Another view of the blob cloud laid east of Chattanooga during church March 8, 2015, a Sunday. (Photo David Tulis) From atop a hill on East Brainerd Road, a septic view to […]

As stripes dim sun over city, scientists debate mass U.S. chemtrail proposal

This evening at dusk, sky tattoos dim a sun that is already weakening in the West. Looking south toward Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) Chase, Md., receives a heavy dosage of jet-created cloud cover. Its effect is much like that proposed by a February 2015 government chemtrail study that says jet-sprayed particulates would act like volcanic […]

Feds propose global chemtrail program to ‘cool planet’

Such scenes as this one of solar radiation management in the Netherlands are often visible to the people of Chattanooga in their own skies, from Ooltewah to Tiftonia, from Apison to Soddy-Daisy. (Photo Earth-matters.nl) A National Academy of Sciences report on sky striping, like that taking place here in Aurora, Colo., says it is a […]