Sky striping bursts into view with report, ‘Climate intervention: Reflecting sunlight to cool earth’
Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering jets, seen by their trails Feb. 4, 2015, put a haze over Chattanooga, Tenn., dimming the sun — as proposed by a major report, Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth. (Photo David Tulis) By Dane Wigington Global climate engineering cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer, mainstream media has […]
To nation waiting for sign, aerial visitation no better than hieroglyph
Billboards along Highway 58 in Chattanooga are backdropped Feb. 6, 2015, by brilliant aerial injections. (Photo David Tulis) Baarn, Netherland, inhales under a patchwork of earth-cooling plumes that climate engineer David Keith says exist only as computer simulations. (Photo SRM, or solar radiation management, injects aluminum particulate in the sky over Poway, Calif., Feb. […]
Sky striping critics said to ‘derail debate’ over theoretical sun-fighting program
By David Tulis Critics of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering are taking it on the chin in a Washington Post oped, but are celebrating their being recognized in the establishment press. A column in the District of Columbia-based Post suggests that writers such as Dane Wigington of “could derail debate” over climate policy with their “emotional” […]
Modest Obama omits mention of heroic weather modification effort
Jets race over Chattanooga Jan. 20, 2015, in an unheralded program to murk up the sky to “protect the one planet we’ve got,” as President Obama states it later that day. (Photo David Tulis)Stripes like these Tuesday near Dandridge, Tenn., are not left by coincidence or happenstance. This agonized sky is part of a federal […]
City gets taste of ‘negative emissions’ as scientists debate solar radiation controls
A fresh aerial cancer of artificial clouds get an early start Jan. 5 in the Chattanooga area, as seen from my hilltop in Soddy-Daisy, in North Hamilton County. (Photo David Tulis) My early morning walk off my hilltop in Soddy-Daisy is marked by policy doodles that are part of the American war against global warming. […]
To block rays reaching city, aircraft apply solar prophylactic, dim the sun
A crabby day in Jacksonville, Fla. Sky striping, some say, is an unuttered blasphemy against nature, hidden in the silent thoughts of the deep state and, in the ears of the public, making sound only in the throb of distant jets. (Photo Facebook) A jet trail over my house in Soddy-Daisy casts sideward and upward […]
Airport says ignorant of sky striping; no documents, memos, forms exist
A lawyer tells me my open records request seeking details on weather modification has come up with zilch. By David Tulis Albert Waterhouse is barking at me through the telephone; it may have been bad reception but the voice of the Chattanooga airport PR firm’s chieftain vibrated in my ear as if it were being […]
Scientist ‘terrified’ by prospect of aerial program already in effect over cities
Jets pour white emissions into a sky in Germany March 6, 2013, in a program that promises to solve what is said to be a global warming crisis. (Photo Facebook) White jet plumes are not new. What may be innocuous condensation trails in this 1969 photo have been repurposed to serve environmental and military policy. […]
Flick hints at city rain droplet mystery, one explained by good professor
A fun video about Chattanooga raises a question: Is its weather natural? (Photo Justin Hall’s “Lapsing Chattanooga”) By David Tulis This week two videos about Chattanooga come to our notice, with a short one drawing our attention to unusual weather patterns. The more significant video runs nearly an hour and 20 minutes and gives insights […]
Stanford, NASA say perpetual sky-haze slows wind, cuts rainfall
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream and Hot News Talk Radio 1240 1190 and 910 AM Stanford University and NASA report that an inexplicable mass of particulate worldwide is so dense that it is slowing winds, altering and reducing rainfall, and altering the weather and making the planet drier. The study makes no mention of […]