Brilliant men taking control of weather, History Channel says
Chattanooga skies continue to be covered with two cloud systems. One seems to be natural cloud cover, but the context is a continuing haze. The continuing haze is unusual, and daily over the city. This video from the History Channel is 45 minutes long, and explains how far men have gone in their understanding of […]
As Chattanoogans protest, Monsanto gains access to weather
Fans of healthy food protest Monsanto in Chattanooga on Saturday. The company has developed genetically modified vegetables. (Photo March Against Monsanto on Facebook) A boy suggests that bee colony collapse syndrome is connected with the wiles of Monsanto’s GMO program. (Photo by Andrew Helms) By David Tulis Chattanooga residents protested the growing claims upon the […]
Man, 25, eyeing jet trails, worries on ’60s-style pollution over River City
The cop on the set of a commercial, Chris McNelly is an actor who works as a manager at Ankar’s Hoagies on Hixson Pike in Chattanooga. By David Tulis For Chris McNelly, Friday was a pretty normal day. Normal clouds. No unusual air traffic over Chattanooga. The man who prepares sandwiches and helps Judy Ankar […]
Reluctant to play ball, a boy stands to side; dad scans horizon
Dads enjoy watching sons at a regular Tuesday evening Trail Life USA gathering in Chattanooga under a wildly white-striped sky. By David Tulis Tuesday nights at my house is Trail Life USA, a new and morally honest alternative to the Boy Scouts. We have dinner early, and head off to Clear Creek Church of Christ […]
Selling local economy by gazing skyward, lamenting a failed god
(Cartoon The Moneychanger newsletter) By David Tulis For the past two weeks I have been raising capital for and related labors. It requires me to give “elevator pitches” for local economy and to explain why my theory of local economy and free market is profitable enough to deserve investment dollars. Yet a story I’ve […]
Murky brilliance; 2 days of chemtrailing muzzy city’s skies
Wednesday, May 7, 2014, promises to be a busy day over the skies of Chattanooga as weather modification policies pour into the skies aerosolized ingredients to reflect sunlight. By David Tulis On Tuesday I saw several white streaks across the sky, including one plane that in leisurely fashion flew over Hixson as I was waiting […]
Are sky stripes over city lost jets, or stepped-up geoengineering program?
Yes, global warming is occurring, but not because of you burn an internal combustion engine in your car. Behind global warming, bizarre weather patterns and massive neurological toxicity in Western populations is skystriping, the primary method used to reduce sunlight on the earth’s surface. Environmentalist researcher Dane Wigington outlines the public policy goals of climate […]
Bizarre March blizzard follows day of heavy chemtrailing in Chattanooga skies
A link to this page of the Chattanooga Times Free Press is below. It tells of a bizarre March snowstorm following a day of sky seeding over Chattanooga. This image from shows a break in a jet plume. I have seen such gaps in government service in Chattanooga skies. [David Tulis is host of […]