Siding with guy-guys, Mitchell, others on council unwittingly oppose diversity

Christians such as those at Stuart Heights Baptist church favor diversity across the line of sex, whereas gays favor a sterile monoculture. By  David Tulis The vote in Chattanooga in favor of gay partner benefits for city employees is sold to the city council and the public as an expression of diversity. Accepting the gay […]

Exposing your skull to wireless phone’s radiation an iffy activity

Sans wireless phone, your breakfast in the sunlight will be spared interruption, and your Cheerios won’t have a chance to get soggy. (Photo Abigail Tulis) (Mild-mannered editor’s note: Now that have switched from being a newspaperman to a radio person, I have become more self-conscious about the dangers of electromagnetic energy. My backer and ally […]

Homeless men pushed to adopt long-term view, ‘minority report’

This three-minute video explains the work of a Chattanooga charity, Union Gospel Mission. “Every problem a man has can be solved with a relationship with God.” — Jon Rector, Union Gospel Mission Chattanooga’s prosperity depends, to some extent, on how well it insulates itself from events a business executive would call “non-controllables.” The independence and […]