The global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga

  Jets lace Chattanooga skies Sunday afternoon, Sept. 14, 2014, with some frames showing 9 trails. Later, in early evening, I watch jets flying south leaving no plumes. Empty dispersal craft? A plume over my church in Brainerd dissipates Sunday in bright but hazed-out sun. Chemtrailing is a global phenomenon that gives control of weather […]

Photo gallery: Origin of city’s haze U.S. jet-laid greenhouse gas emissions

Sky stripes spread by federal government aircraft over Southern Nevada turn into clouds, pursuant to U.S. climate control policy. (Photo Facebook) Sky stripes muddy the sky over downtown Chattanooga Aug. 7, 2014. Persistent contrails, laid aloft over Phoenix as part of the war on global warming, spread about as clouds and blot out the sun, […]

Think of local economy in terms of productive ‘trading circles’

The destructive consequences of a parasitic Tyranny of the Wealthy and Majority have yet to play out, but they will, and sooner than most believe possible. By Charles Hugh Smith One of the core concepts of my work is that our state-cartel dominated economy is fundamentally a vast parasitic skimming machine that redistributes the nation’s […]

State would sweat under EPA lockdown, but prof warns against chemtrail breakout

This graphic shows several wondrous ways of seeding the sky with clouds to protect the earth from a newly discovered enemy, the sun. Jet delivery systems are omitted, as no one has realized aircraft payloads can be technology other than bombs, bullets and missiles. By David Tulis / Local economy has many enemies that […]

Relying on people, new local economy will burst through old

(Cartoon The Moneychanger newsletter) [I published this essay from The Moneychanger in August 2012, but I suspect as you are a new reader and missed it. — DJT] By Franklin Sanders Let’s face a reality most Americans refuse to confess: America is not the land of the free. Not only does very little freedom — […]

The pledge of allegiance vs. local economy

Flags representing the federal government and the 50 states flutter on the lawn of Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., on Memorial Day, May 26, 2014. By David Tulis The Christian socialist cousins behind the American pledge of allegiance were men who had a low view of local economy. Their vision of America in 1892 was one of national […]

Reluctant to play ball, a boy stands to side; dad scans horizon

Dads enjoy watching sons at a regular Tuesday evening Trail Life USA gathering in  Chattanooga under a wildly white-striped sky. By David Tulis Tuesday nights at my house is Trail Life USA, a new and morally honest alternative to the Boy Scouts. We have dinner early, and head off to Clear Creek Church of Christ […]

Fed, banking sector bring us centralized national economy

“(It is valuable to read forecasts published prior to a debacle such as the 2008 financial meltdown. Below is an analysis that first appeared in an important financial newsletter, The Moneychanger, published in Westpoint, Tenn., in 2005. Some of the financial details are out of date, and I have deleted the source reference links that […]