Will boy follow liberty ideals? Not if my fathering is mechanical process
Boys in a Trail Life USA troop get ready to mow in preparation for a mud run Sept. 5 in Chattanooga. A Tulis boy, 12, is second from left. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis God has blessed my wife, Jeannette, and me with four children, the last of which is 12. He was born […]
Violence inheres in Muslim creed, Grubbs says after firing
A sharp-tongued critic of Mohammadinism, Heidi Grubbs, is fired from a Chattanooga mall job after she refuses to apologize for anti-Muslim comments made at work, overheard by a passerby. She wants the listener of my show to wake up and to realize that the so-called terror attack on Chattanooga is only a part of the […]
Abortionist is right: Constitutional right can’t be taxed, regulated
Moms ready to destroy boys and girls are checked in this room at The Women’s Center in Nashville carefully designed to prevent vertigo. (Photo The Women’s Center) By David Tulis A constitutional right cannot be taxed or regulated, even if that right involves the killing of an innocent person. Thanks to Roe v. Wade and […]
In gay market bubble, ‘queer’ floats to top as phantom asset
Renahe Pride Center, this entity was formerly The OUTreach: LGBTQ+ & Ally Resource Center. (Photo UT Knoxville) By David Tulis State government’s university system is celebrating the claim of gay theory upon the rainbow, spreading under its banner a host of fruity programs affirming activists’ grip on reality. Knowing the lingual limitations of the taxpaying […]
Musty paper trail confirms highway law respects free travelers
This graphic from an American standards group shows the parts of a highway upon which an auto user may freely travel — namely the roadway. (Graphic American National Standards Institute) By David Tulis Our interest in free markets and the assertion of ancient rights in an era of administrative law and the modern total state […]
Haslam, Slatery refuse to defend marriage; Womick demands protection
Gov. Bill Haslam By David Tulis Tennesseans have great reason to be dissatisfied — even angry — at high officials in state government. The fault is their lapse in government, their unwillingness to represent the interests of the people as regards marriage and the unborn. The first lapse occurred 32 years ago, in 1973, when […]
The peril of marrying under state license vs. liberty of common law union
By Matt Trewhella Every year thousands of Christians amble down to their local county courthouse and obtain a marriage license from the state in order to marry their future spouse. They do this unquestioningly. They do it because their pastor has told them to go get one, and besides, “everybody else gets one.” This essay […]
Passive, pessimistic city pulpits face invigorating conflict
By Bojidar Marinov / From Axe to the Root For anyone who has followed and understands the relationship between church leadership and civil government in the U.S. in the last 50 years, declarations of American pastors pledging civil disobedience in case the Supreme Court decides to favor sodomite “marriage” (like this one, for example, or […]
Winslow’s vision for city starts with projection of empathy
Robert Ashton Winslow is a documentary filmmaker and artist seeking to capture the South and his hometown’s place in it. (Photo YouTube) By David Tulis Robert Ashton Winslow is a filmmaker depicting the people in Chattanooga in a series of videos that attempt to give the viewer a rich insight of the city and its […]
The new slave trade; how national economy sucks us dry
(Cartoon The Moneychanger) We are all, North and South, engaged in the White Slave Trade, and he who succeeds best is esteemed most respectable. It is far more cruel than the Black Slave Trade, because it exacts more of its slaves, and neither protects nor governs them . . . we will . . . […]