Supremacy clause puts constitution itself on top, not abusive court

Does the constitution belong to local officials who swear to uphold it, or to the federal supreme court? The supremacy clause says the constitution is the supreme law of the land, not necessarily opinions of these nine federal employees. As one man’s conscience cannot properly be deputy for another man’s conscience, so neither can an […]

‘The Harbinger’ gives fanciful analysis about 9/11, national judgment

The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future, by Jonathan Cahn. Lake Mary, Florida: Charisma House Books, 2012 By Franklin Sanders Numerous Moneychanger customers have asked me if I have read The Harbinger, and in the strongest terms recommended that I read it. Suspicious, I never followed their recommendation. Someone gave me […]

Theology brings paralysis, death to Tennessee Temple

In an improvement from earlier years, Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, Tenn., teaches students how to deal with worldviews hostile to Christianity. By David Tulis The collapse of Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga tells of a faltering faction in Christianity that had its heyday in the 1960s in American fundamentalism’s peak. The school was a […]

EPB sales plunge as saturated porn market yields F$100,000 for year

The city’s electric power board streams pornography (aka “adult content”) in a declining market. (Photo By David Tulis A multimillion-dollar city-owned business is selling pornography in a down market, eking out about F$100,000 in revenue in 2014 with titles such as “Hood Humpin Ho’s Getting Down & Dirty” and “Deep in your Wife.” The […]

How local, state officials in ‘good faith’ defy alien jurisdictions

Marriage defenders in Montgomery, Ala., at a Feb. 22, 2015, rally count on probate judges to defend constitutional government. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama) By David Tulis An important way for common people like you and me to hold public officials accountable is to deny them grounds for claiming “good faith” error as they tromp […]

Homeschooling grad finds liberty stifling; she’s 19, says can’t get legal ID

Alecia Pennington is trying to get help so she can have a legal ID and become visible to government and to corporations. (Photo Help Me Prove It on Facebook) An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered.” – G.K. Chesterton, On Running After One’s Hat, All Things Considered, […]

51 of 67 judges reject Joe-Jim marriages as desired by U.S. judge

Families and defenders of marriage rally at the capitol building in Montgomery, Ala., Saturday. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama on Facebook) Defenders of marriage are glad to hear of probate judges in Alabama declare they will not recognize dude-dude unions as marriage in a Saturday demonstration in Montgmery. (Photo Sanctity of Marriage Alabama on Facebook) […]

Thrive 2055 backer tackles my tough free market queries

Denny Mobbs, attorney and factory operator, explains why he supports Thrive 2055. (Photo Hot News Talk Radio 1240 1190 910 AM) Centralization produces apoplexy at the center and paralysis at the extremities. — Hugues Felicité Robert de Lamennais By David Tulis Students of the free market understand that prosperity — lower costs, more wealth, happier […]

City zoning shakeup plan sells sparkle, but flows from cruddy tap

These before-and-after photos show the intended results of form-based coding, enacted in many cities across the U.S. Below are two parts of an interview granted by regional planning agency officials John Bridger and Karen Hundt. They discuss the benefits in the change of policy that will start to undo decades of damage imposed by the […]

New defense for aliens, liberty lovers: No requirement to obtain driver license

An 1939 court opinion on the state driver license makes clear that it is obtained in equity, meaning by consent, application and voluntary action. Existing statute appears to recognize this prospect. By David Tulis As you pointed out in the first of our two phone conversations, “driving is a privilege.” OK. Licensed driving is a […]