Lessons from Laish, a biblical city left defenseless by depraved ways

The Levite carries his slain concubine after she is sodomized to death in the lawless town Gibeah (Judges 19). Gibeah was a lawless domain of the sons of Benjamin. Laish (in chapter 18) is seized by the sons of Dan. (Image from Dore´s illustrated Bible book) By David Tulis I have been thinking about Laish, […]

Detached retina case: Judge blind to federalism, gay theory blurs equality

A federal judge orders the state to yield to 3 guy-guy and gal-gal couples. By David Tulis The rulings in U.S. district courts against state constitutions that define marriage as being between one man and one woman are a form of proposed blindness that the judges expect will be imposed on the citizens of the […]

‘Is it OK to be gay?’ Christianity insists on chastity

Jeremy Roberts lives out the Christian doctrine of sexual purity by being married to his wife, Charity, and being a family man. He is a minister of the gospel in Chattanooga. By Jeremy Roberts Last night, it was announced that the A&E Network has suspended Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson due to his statements in an […]

Weekley scandal highlights power of marriage, its secure place in society

Jimmy Weekley resigned as coach at Baylor school after being trapped in a prostitution sting. (Photo WRCB TV3) All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. — Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina By David Tulis The arrest of private school soccer coach Jimmy Weekley on charges of solicitation […]

With sell-low, buy-high theory, city buys shares in gay economy

Jerry Mitchell, in a campaign photo, made a bold move this week to support homosexual unions as a city ordinance. By David Tulis Please indulge a speculation as to the price of shares in two economies. One is the gay economy, whose shares come with a premium today and whose valuations are sky high. The […]

Siding with guy-guys, Mitchell, others on council unwittingly oppose diversity

Christians such as those at Stuart Heights Baptist church favor diversity across the line of sex, whereas gays favor a sterile monoculture. By  David Tulis The vote in Chattanooga in favor of gay partner benefits for city employees is sold to the city council and the public as an expression of diversity. Accepting the gay […]

Christianity, globally and locally, is taking God’s kingdom ‘by force’

This representation of Naaman the leper depicts a man brought closer (if not into) the people of God by a healing from leprosy in the Old Testament. (Image http://shipwrecksoul.blogspot.com) And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. — The Lord Jesus, Matthew […]

By joining U.S. workforce, boy, 16, allows presumptions against interest

Tonight a son asks me to look over papers he will submit to a corporate employer. The arrangement for him to make sandwiches for you and other customers brings him to a legal apex, a balancing point. If he steps ahead, submits the papers, is engaged, has his name placed on the schedule and receives […]

It’s easy to talk in vain repetitions of liberty; willing to sit in cell for it?

From left, spokesman Mike Dunne and Hamilton County Mayor Jim Coppinger chat with a constituent outside Hamilton County courthouse in January. (Photo Facebook) The puerility of the freethinkers consists in believing that a free society can maintain itself and keep itself together without a common faith.  ***  If liberty is to be saved, it will […]