How can Pinkston prosecute without meeting 3 requirements for standing?
Neal Pinkston, district attorney (Photo The state is a religious corporation and a legal fiction that prosecutes criminal cases in its own name and person. It replaces the victims or survivors of crimes and acts as if it were the offended party, seeking redress for having been injured. David Tulis reveals the three requirements for standing […]
‘Driving while black’ in Chattanooga: ‘You’re targeted’
Policing is a social management tool of the executive progressive state, and chiefs of police such as David Roddy of Chattanooga serve the mayor’s office. Mr. Roddy attends a Pachyderm Club event with Catherine Cate White, running for judge of circuit court. (Photo Jenny McFarland, Pachyderm Club) Tensions are high between police and the black […]
AirBnB ordinance takes effect, illegal on yet new grounds
Donna Williams is charged with enforcing city council’s AirBnB ordinance, an illegal intrusion upon the city’s thriving “Gig City” Internet economy. (Photo LinkedIn) Taking effect this week in Chattanooga is city government’s so-called short-term vacation rental ordinance, one that is illegal on several grounds — including a new one that comes into view on a […]
Whaddaya mean certified? Danger of trusting experts
Confident of his assumptions, Irving Fisher in 1929 predicted smooth sailing and a “permanently high plateau” prior to the market meltdown. (Photo Wikipedia) In the summer of 1968 and again in summer 1969 I worked as an inhalation therapist at Ochsner Foundation Hospital in New Orleans. What, you may ask, did I know about inhalation […]
Engineer says Gaddy house ‘100% structurally sound’
An engineer’s inspection of the disputed Thomas and Carol Gaddy house in Dunlap, Tenn., says it is structurally sound — and thus not a threat to public safety, as alleged by town mayor Dwain Land, who demands their permission to inspect the house. The finding could lead to a break in the civil case in […]
For cops, anything goes — DAs, cronyism, law shield abuse
Tennessee state Rep. Gerald McCormick sponsored a bill to give more legal favor to citizens on patrol (cop) by making an assault on an officer a “blue lives matter” felony. (Photo Twitter Gerald McCormick) “There is one criminal justice system for citizens — especially black and brown ones — and another for police in the United States.” […]
McMinn criminal court judge seals Fitzpatrick’s public ‘grand jury’ report
By Sharon Rondeau / The Post & Email (Jul. 29, 2017) — On Saturday, Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III received in the mail an order from McMinn County, Tenn., Criminal Court Judge Sandra Donaghy indicating that an alleged report produced by a three-person panel of the county grand jury was filed “under seal” so as to […]
Humiliating TVA traffic stops show poverty of TN government
A TVA police officer, Scott E. Stone, gives me this business card after stopping a woman for having a motor vehicle tag that didn’t match her car. (Photo David Tulis) The TVA traffic enforcement story is raising alarm because it suggests how far down the state has sunk and, with it, its people. By David […]
Despite patriotic nostalgia, Dayton rally urges Christians to restore order
Re-enactor Jim Maddox recites the declaration of independence at a God and country rally in the Scopes monkey trial courtroom in Dayton, Tenn., just as a bit of tape loses its grip on a patriotic plastic banner. (Photo David Tulis) State Sen. Mae Beavers, a candidate for Tennessee governor, rises to give a brief oration […]
Execution by firing squad: The militarized police state opens fire
Muzzle blasts from a police pistol slay Philando Castille in a notorious police execution. (Photo Facebook) “It is often the case that police shootings, incidents where law enforcement officers pull the trigger on civilians, are left out of the conversation on gun violence. But a police officer shooting a civilian counts as gun violence. Every […]