Common law marriage closer to biblical definition

A bride gets ready for her nuptials. (Photo Ginger Sumerlin Photography) We have the blind leading the blind too long in this country. It is past time that people wake up and see what is going on in their world. Case in point is the marriage license. Now for once, stop and think. What is […]

Obedience to God’s law would reshape courts, society, economy of city

If Christians work for several generations to live and love in terms of God’s law, city culture, mores, laws and systems would be transformed for man’s benefit and God’s glory. (Photo David Tulis) Christendom is the idea of God’s propriety in the affairs of man — and man’s widespread recognition of His lawful and loving […]

Crockett says will fuel cultural change as city-states emerge in lococentric future

Tall-in-saddle mayoral candidate Dave Crockett insists that he is the No. 1 “Noogacentrist” in Chattanooga, shoving aside yours truly. (Photo David Tulis) Used by permission of Mayoral candidate Dave Crockett is remarkable for his breadth of knowledge and his unusual ideas. He says he avoids familiar categories such as left, right, conservative or liberal. […]

Church makes final steps to free itself by dissolving corporation

From left, Vaughn Hamilton, Pat Murphy and Peter Gagliardi sign forms transferring property of their now-dissolved incorporated church to their nonincorporated church. Attending are, center, Leslie Lynn and Alex Hon of Title Guaranty & Trust Co. in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) Church governors do business in a title guaranty office, left building, and finally at […]

Lawyers in bus crash lawsuits yield open secret about a lost liberty

Bus companies such as Durham School Services earn a profit from transporting people or goods for hire on the people’s roads, and so are called “common carriers” subject to regulation. (Photo A secret is being revealed by lawyers filing lawsuits on behalf of victims of the yellow school bus crash in Chattanooga that killed […]

We need to end bail system that jails poor people

People are jailed in this monolith in downtown Chattanooga, Tenn., for being unable to pay fines. (Photo Our terribly overcrowded Hamilton County Jail may get some help from an unsuspected corner – the Obama administration is tackling the fact that right now over 450,000 people are in our country’s jails because they are too […]

DA Pinkston, state excuse police execution of East Ridge resident

East Ridge employee Daniel Stephenson executes plumber Todd Browning in front of his house in East Ridge, Tenn. (Photo YouTube) Chattanoogans have had two reminders in the past nine days that the state is superior to them and that its violent acts against citizens are to be overlooked in light of its pretense of noble […]

Administrative notice tells city its authority is limited

Carol Gaddy and her son, Kelly, speak with supporters at the Sequatchie County jail in Dunlap, Tenn., after her release on a criminal contempt charge. (Photo David Tulis) The Gaddy case in Sequatchie county pits a homeowner against the corporation called City of Dunlap in which officials are demanding right of “inspection” of Thomas and […]