SWAT creates war zone at motel as man refuses to unlock door

TV 12 reports about a SWAT operation in which dozens of combat-armed police confront a man in a Chattanooga motel room who refuses to come out. By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM The rise of the warrior cop is highlighted in Chattanooga in an incident in which dozens of police — some […]

After 2nd barrage of slugs, cops handcuff mortally wounded black man

WRCBtv.com | Chattanooga News, Weather This 3-minute video contains vile language from onlookers of the shooting of a distraught and armed dad at a government housing project in Chattanooga. Chattanooga police chief Fred Fletcher takes control of a shooting narrative which cost a man, 24, his life. (Photo wrcbtv.com TV3) Javario Eagle and unidentified members […]

‘Waster’ letters to 50 churches make orthodox claims, are not police matter

McMinn County Sheriff’s detective Blake Witt is interviewed about a letter sent to churches saying they have rejected God’s law. (Photo TV3 Wrcbtv.com) This anonymous letter about Christian doctrine sent to 50 churches in the Chattanooga area has become a matter of police investigation. (Photo TV3 Wrcbtv.com) By David Tulis The writer of hand-written letters […]

‘Dear county clerk’ letter says constitutional law trumps judges’ opinion

“Respect for law” is the theme of a 2013 event by a civic club in which Robin Langford, a county detective, left, receives an award. At right is Emily Job, president of the Scenic Chattanooga Optimist Club. Respect for constitutional law awaits its own congratulatory ceremony. By Rick Womick (July 21, 2015) Dear County clerk, […]

Slight token of Christianity in public school banned, yet classes full

The Gideon New Testament program is too much for a public school in a rural Tennessee county; the program must stop. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  — 2 Corinthians 6:14 They have spoken words, swearing falsely […]

Word for Trail Life boys: Suffer bravely, knowing God saves you

The Earl of Argyle takes a nap, not worried about his execution next day. The artist puts in the background a simple table, but luminous with two chairs, suggesting his next life, face to face in communion with God. (Painting Edward Matthew Ward) By David Tulis The devotionals by Trail Life USA dads at weekly […]

Program to harass motorists not in statute, doesn’t exist, chief says

This letter is a response to an open records request that took 10 times longer to generate than allowed in the statute. Commissioner Bill Gibbons says no record exists; the irregular program about which I seek details is not envisioned in the statute — therefore does not exist. Do I want to unearth an extralegal […]

City practices mall massacre as Hammond warns of new Muslim acts of war

Chattanooga SWAT cops practice dealing with a massacre Sept. 24, 2015, at Hamilton Place mall in Chattanooga after its stores are closed for the day. (Photo wrcbt.com) Jim Hammond, Hamilton County sheriff, makes dramatic warning of a state of war between Islamic theology and constitutional government. Without a ban on jidhadism and Muslim immigration, he […]

Obama uses language of liberty, free enterprise, but rejects local economy ideal

Broad and Main streets are of little interest to the U.S. president, who in a speech to the U.N. favors global economy and global “management“ of human society. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis The arguments for local economy and free markets sometimes cannot be heard for their breathlessness, their being stifled by more powerful […]