Marceaux, ‘illegals,’ libertarians slip past mysterious gap in driver license law

The senior Basil Marceaux is a perennial Tennessee candidate who argues for a constitutional and anti-state framework that beats back traffic stops and other claws of the administrative state. Basil John Marceaux By David Tulis The arrest last week of Basil John Marceaux sets up a case against the police enforcement of driver license laws […]

The inverted pyramid: How state uses consent to operate driver license scheme

Hispanic immigrants such as the Alfredo and Sylvia Perez family in Morristown, Tenn., are subject to harassment for using their cars without driver licenses. (Photo Southern Spaces) The Legislature shall have no power to suspend any general law for the benefit of any particular individual, nor to pass any law for the benefit of individuals […]

Gnome awaits indictment on driving without license

A Tennessee motorist has been charged with driving without a license. (Photo By David Tulis The Gnome of Strawberry Plains has been cited to court for driving without a license, opening the prospect for a renewed effort to show that Tennessee’s driver license regime, out of respect for the state bill of rights, is […]

Homeschooling grad finds liberty stifling; she’s 19, says can’t get legal ID

Alecia Pennington is trying to get help so she can have a legal ID and become visible to government and to corporations. (Photo Help Me Prove It on Facebook) An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered.” – G.K. Chesterton, On Running After One’s Hat, All Things Considered, […]

New defense for aliens, liberty lovers: No requirement to obtain driver license

An 1939 court opinion on the state driver license makes clear that it is obtained in equity, meaning by consent, application and voluntary action. Existing statute appears to recognize this prospect. By David Tulis As you pointed out in the first of our two phone conversations, “driving is a privilege.” OK. Licensed driving is a […]

If licensing scheme runs on consent, ‘illegals’ may be freer than citizens

Immigrants and free citizens who use the roads without driver’s licenses are charged with a crime under Title 55 of the Tennessee Code Annotated. [I have been giving time to digesting Tennessee Code Annotated Title 55, covering “motor and other vehicles.” It seems to pose no threat to Hispanics and immigrants in Tennessee who use […]

For Chattanooga local economy to rise, rebuild waste places

Tulis boys, foreground, reload clips or fire downrange at a plinking session in Birchwood, Tenn. The weapons are a .30-cal. SKS and a .223-cal. Mini-14. An armed citizenry cannot be totally subjugated. And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations […]

Detached retina case: Judge blind to federalism, gay theory blurs equality

A federal judge orders the state to yield to 3 guy-guy and gal-gal couples. By David Tulis The rulings in U.S. district courts against state constitutions that define marriage as being between one man and one woman are a form of proposed blindness that the judges expect will be imposed on the citizens of the […]

By joining U.S. workforce, boy, 16, allows presumptions against interest

Tonight a son asks me to look over papers he will submit to a corporate employer. The arrangement for him to make sandwiches for you and other customers brings him to a legal apex, a balancing point. If he steps ahead, submits the papers, is engaged, has his name placed on the schedule and receives […]