Citizens to city council: Routine arrests ugly, hateful

David Tulis, Chattanooga’s “blogger with the biggest pen,” shows city council the narrowness of Tennessee transportation law in Title 55, warning that many abusive police arrests occur as officers operate outside its commercial scope. (Photo NoogaRadio on Facebook) Avery Gray is the angry mother of a girl arrested during an illegally arranged repossession of a […]

Beyond textbooks at homeschool expo; Power of games, field guides

Girls and mom talk with an exhibitor at the annual homeschool expo in East Ridge set July 20, 21. Here’s the game Pictionary. When my kids were growing up, I set aside $300 to spend at the curriculum fair every year. Your budget may be bigger or smaller. You may be looking for actual curricula […]

Cops drag woman out of car under commercial transportation law

Diana Watt, after being handcuffed, is ordered out of a car; the officer is counting down the time for her to act before he drags her out under the commercial transportation statute at Title 55, which requires the state to exhaust its administrative remedies. (Photo Jalonda Oattes on Facebook) Police’s routine claims upon travelers are […]

Prosecution of nonviolent Gray girl, 14, cover for 2 wrongs by cop

A repo man checks the VIN of a car he is about to seize in a noisy confrontation with the daughter of the debtor, who is dragged from the car by a city police officer in the sort of “breach of the peace” forbidden under Tennessee’s collateral repossession statute. (Photo police YouTube video) Dear Neal […]

Homeschool expo puts educational choices in your hand

A homeschool curriculum fair goer sneaks in private reading from a vendor’s table at the homeschool expo at Camp Jordan. Members of the CSTHEA yearbook staff look over the latest production at the homeschool expo, held this yearJuly 20 and 21, a Friday and Saturday. Hundreds of families attend the homeschool expo, an annual event […]

City’s poor get relief, cops avoid liability suits — fruits of administrative notice

East Ridge, Tenn., having been notified about limits of the state transportation law, should act to protect its officers from litigation if they over-enforce Tenn. Code Ann. Title 55, which grants police powers only over commercial users of the roads. (Photo East Ridge city government) Tennessee has a reasonable and just transportation law. But East […]

City OKs woman’s Airbnb despite plea to avoid neighborhood change

The owner of this modest house in Chattanooga, right, wins city council OK for a short-term vacation rental after a neighbor, also a landlord, objected. (Photo Google Maps) Neighborhood conflict flashes Tuesday night at city council as a petitioner seeks approval for an Airbnb while a young entrepreneurial neighbor objects to what he warns is […]

Peterson swims upstream, rejects city ban on Airbnb prosperity

Brian Peterson of Chattanooga and his wife, Laura, intend to prosper by having private guests stay on their property through the self-regulating system of Airbnb, a prosperity platform for guests and hosts alike. (Photo Brian Peterson) This house at 201 Thornton Ave. in Chattanooga is available to visitors from around the world, bringing private earnings […]

Escapees kill 2 ’drivers’; but apps help others on road turn profit

Covenant Transportation Group in Chattanooga has 1,000 team driver trucks in its tansportation fleet of 2,600 for-hire vehicles. (Photo Driving and operating a motor vehicle are words describing a single activity subject to state regulation and police powers in the public interest. And that is getting behind the wheel of a car or truck […]

Citizens appear to reject ‘double nickel’ police stop reform

Chris Perry and Payten McClain Perry. (Photo Facebook) The changes required in Tennessee traffic enforcement will be long in coming because of popular opinion that defends abusive mechanisms that harass blacks, the poor and strangers in the land. Common people of the sort who use Facebook universally reject the idea of a transportation stop reform […]