Gentry readies petition for remonstrance, asks for traffic stop reform detail

A remarkable project is about to be birthed in which John Gentry, a certified public accountant who resides in Goodlettsville, Tenn., tells the general assembly about innumerable grievances brought against the people by the dominant private interest in Tennessee, namely members of the bar — attorneys and judges, who operate as a combine to deprive […]

Notice undoes security breach against the people

Transportation administrative notice Tennessee is a righteous cause that undoes a security breach against the people. And that is their right to be free “from unreasonable searches and seizures” and to be “ secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions,” article 1, section 7 in the state constitution. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio […]

Hint of thaw among police, but reforms have much ground to cover

For all the grief that chief David Roddy takes from Chattanoogans critical of policing and demanding other improvements or reform, there is a sign of a thaw or a melting. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 And that is the orders he gave to the officers Dec. 11 assigned to maintain order at the city […]

Sideways chicken bone in Mayor Berke’s throat

This letter to assistant city attorney Keith Reisman will get no answer, under the argument that the city attorney’s office does not give legal advice to anybody but the city. But it is the key question pending reform in Chattanooga of a major police abuse of the public that Mayor Andy Berke continues to practice. […]

Berke leaves cops exposed to fatal threats at traffic stops

A cop runs toward the action, his service weapon drawn. (Photo National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund) The killing Thursday of a Georgia police officer occurred in the most dangerous kind of encounter officers face with a potentially hostile public. And that is the so called traffic stop. Traffic stops are more accurately called transportation […]

Protesters decry beating of singer Toney; council members flick out

City hall Tuesday night is lit by a spotlight that says police act like thugs when they should act like public servants. Nearly 40 angry people of color chase members of Chattanooga’s city council from their dais tonight by demanding justice and crying for deliverance from police thuggery in Chattanooga and Hamilton County. By David […]

How hiphop artist C-Grimey might use administrative notice in crunch

Cameron Williams is like thousands of people in the Chattanooga area — burdened by a revoked or suspended or canceled driver license. But what if he just has to get into a car and steer down the street — and what if he’s caught? (Photo Cameron Williams on FB) Cameron Williams, or C-Grimey, is a […]

Breezy legal ad dries paint around police chief Roddy, Sheriff Hammond

Police chief David Roddy deals with members of the public at an event at Unum insurance. Mr. Roddy and Mayor Andy Berke are under administrative notice about the limits of police transportation enforcement powers against people using cars, trucks and motorbikes on Chattanooga streets, boulevards, roads and freeways. (Photo CPD) An affidavit of classified ad […]

Notice project will gain foothold in individual acts of courage at local level

Sheriff Jim Hammond got transportation administrative notice March 1, 2018, and refused to alter traffic stop practices, despite clear limits in state law outlined in a notice he did not rebut. (Photo David Tulis) Local economy has a theory strongly and insists on bottom-up reform, and rejects the hope of top-down reform, especially where constitutional […]

Council leaves citizens exposed to police abuse, cops to tort lawsuits

Chattanooga police officers Mr. Stone, left, and A. Peker say they know about transportation administrative notice. Cops in transportation enforcement are being jeopardized if department bosses don’t alter traffic stop protocol to account for the limits in Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 55 that they today promiscuously enforce. A simple question will constitute a successful […]