Watt arrest premised on tax authority of less than penny a day on car users
I’m to the point I think the arrest for a pro-rated possible tax debt of a penny a day for some single day when the tax receipt is to be shown on demand is unconstitutional on it face. By Levi Thurston Arrest for a debt if owed that amounts to a penny a day is […]
Driver license costs half a penny a day; so why not just pay?
A Tennessee driver license costs F$19.50 to renew and it remains “valid” for eight years. That’s 2,920 days for a Class D license, or 0.6678 cents a day. Slightly more than half a penny per 24 hour period. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio State government and police charge people criminally, arrest them and hold […]
Judge Shattuck OKs officer’s contempt, shows partiality in violation of ethics rules
The prosecution of Diana Watt in a transportation stop in Chattanooga is troubling because sessions court is showing favoritism and respect of person for the state actor who is hounding this caregiver of seniors who fell into his Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 55 trap in July 2018. She was dragged from her car under […]
Mrs. Watt stands ground vs. abusive traffic arrest
A woman who was charged in a viral 2018 arrest in Chattanooga is refusing to cooperate with police and prosecutors by yielding her rights and entering a plea deal. Diana Watt, who works as a caregiver among the elderly, says she has no intention of accepting hastily proffered deals on a stack of criminal charges […]
Unity Group hears about police powers notice
Transportation administrative notice is a remedy for the plague of police abuse, I tell members of the unity group Sunday night. I am asked to give a presentation about police abuse and a blockade I have prepared against police along a pathway cops use for easy access to black people and others. By David Tulis […]
Powerful traffic court defense if ‘driving on revoked’: Necessity
If you signed the criminal complaint against you (traffic ticket) and are in the crowd of people awaiting to confront your accuser, the hallowed State of Tennessee, you have a defense that came from the lips of the world’s most innocent, yet most accused, person. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio And that is the […]
Velocity 2040 plan discounts beauty of unorganized free market
The Velocity 2040 proposal for Chattanooga is a civic vision of the city 20 years out as seen by the local chamber of commerce. In the alternative is a free market perspective that is not a vision, but a fruit — the fruit of growth and liberty that does not constitute a coherent reportable vision. […]
Using pleasure, whimsey to defend right to travel
The ideas of liberty of movement are worth exploring because they are positive benefit to Chattanooga and Hamilton County and and encouragement of capitalism and entrepreneurship. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio As we have seen in transportation administrative notice, the freedom of movement has a keyword. That is pleasure. The roads exist for the […]
Bill backs juror right to vote conscience to stop ‘unjust’ result
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 5, 2019) – Bills filed in the Tennessee legislature would require state courts to fully inform jurors of their right to use discretion in rendering verdicts. By Mike Maharrey / 10th Amendment Center Sen. Frank Nicely (R-Strawberry Plains) filed Senate Bill (SB369) on Jan. 30. Rep. Martin Daniel (R-Knoxville) filed a companion […]
With police powers notice, we need not bow down to Haman
When Haman saw Mordecai in the king’s gate, and that he did not stand or tremble before him, he was filled with indignation against Mordecai. — Esther 5:9 For the past year, Chattanooga has been under administrative notice regarding the state transportation law and its limits. The evil being done by city police upon thousands […]