Prison leaves sexual attacker near his victim, inmate Davis says

This is the first page of a complaint against state administration by prisoner Chris Davis in Pikeville, Tenn.,  The following is a letter sent Sunday to Neysa Taylor, spokeswoman for the Tennessee Department of Correction. As of today, Mrs. Taylor has not responded to it. By David Tulis  / NoogaRadio 92.7 I received a letter […]

Mayor Berke, sit down, listen to what happens ‘talking while black’

Officer Steve Meador, right, takes an oath in joining the Chattanooga police department. (Photo Cameron Williams recounts his arrest on “disorderly conduct” charges in March in a “talking while black” case in Chattanooga. (Photo NoogaRadio) Mayor Berke, sit down and listen to what happens “walking while black” in your city. (Courtesy NoogaRadio 92.7) Tweet […]

Holt asks you to get local legislators behind bid to ban traffic cameras

This dunning letter purports to seek compensation from someone who is photographed having run a stop light. (Photo Andy Holt) Rep. Andy Holt says traffic tickets not personally delivered by an officer are unconstitutional and unenforceable. (Photo If you happen to be one of the countless people who have received one of these in […]

Diabetic inmate denied access to special shoes, legal materials

Robert Whipple has sued state government at least four times over abuse within its prison system. (Photo David Tulis) The following is a letter sent Dec. 17 to Neysa Taylor, spokeswoman for the Department of Correction. In a reply Dec. 19, Mrs. Taylor says the following: At this time it would be improper for TDOC […]

Harmer says meds restored, but cell kept chilly

Grenda Ray Harmer, serving a state servitude in Morgan County by Sharon Rondeau / The Post & Email On Monday morning, The Post & Email reported that TDOC inmate Grenda Harmer, #88710, had informed us in a letter received last week that one of his medications, “Antivert,” had been discontinued by MCCX prison staff without […]

Common law society vs. statutory, state-centered society; which is freer?

Chattanooga police officers close off a street after having investigated a suspicious package left in a neighborhood, one that proved harmless. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 In my pursuit of understanding local economy in the Chattanooga area, I have explored the idea of common law versus statutory systems such as Tennessee […]

‘Talking while black’ defendant yields to courageous cops

Talking-while-black victim Cameron Williams, a hip hop musician called G-Grimey, wants to make the most of his bad experience with cops in which he stood in a public place, addressed an officer for a seeming abuse of his authority, and was arrested under the vague disorderly conduct statute and charged, and his girlfriend gassed while […]

Authority ex nihilo; trooper agency seems to exert power apart from law

A Tennessee highway patrol trooper takes part in a little PR with a boy, who enjoys sitting on his transportation enforcement motorbike. (Photo department of safety and homeland security) I reveal here a fascinating problem that the corporate state makes for itself, that is creating policies and procedures that go beyond the scope of statute. […]