With loud thump, Rhea tables ‘police powers’ bill
George Thacker, the besuited county executive, stands among critics of a Rhea County police powers bill tabled by the county commission, with Mr. Thacker’s strong blessings. (Photo David Tulis) More than 70 people throng a Rhea County Commission meeting room Tuesday, most all of them angry at a sweeping plan to give county government harassment […]
Rhea plan would ‘define, prohibit, abate, suppress, prevent, regulate’
A law to regulate much innocent activity as a nuisance in Rhea County, Tenn., is under consideration by the county commission. (Photo Tnvacation.com) The Rhea County commission is considering a proposal to seize power against the people under authorization of a state law that gives broad authority to cities and counties with token language about the […]
Rhea County: Bad law
Rhea County commission weighs ordinance to suppress, harass, regulate free market trades and businesses under police power. A meeting is set Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the Rhea County courthouse annex in Dayton to bring about these protections against so-called nuisances. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet Pin It
Chilled cells, drugging of inmate, corporate chiseling seen in TN prison
In November the state auditor gave a harsh review of Tennessee prisons, with our correspondents adding to the litany of grievances — including overmedication of prisoners. By Sharon Rondeau / The Post & Email (Nov. 30, 2017) — Three grievance forms from TDOC inmate Grenda Ray Harmer, #88710, dated November 20, 2017 report that his […]
Audit gives scathing review of TN corrections department
WSMV News 4 By Demetria Kalodimos / WSMV.com TV4 NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV), Nov. 14, 2017 — Two Democratic lawmakers are going to recommend not to re-authorize the Tennessee Department of Correction after a scathing audit released on Tuesday by the Tennessee Comptroller’s office. Reps. Bo Mitchell and Mike Stewart, both Nashville Democrats, said in a press […]
Where does state get standing to prosecute you in criminal case?
Tennessee highway patrol officers enforce the commercial transportation law on the state’s highways. (Photo THP) Tennessee and other state governments have a paternalistic view of citizens and no longer serve them representatively to protect their rights. Rather, they seek to lord it over the people for their own good by holding them in commercial subjection. […]
Musician, hairdresser in Nashville sue to legalize home businesses
Musician Lij Saw is suing to overturn a ban in Nashville on home-based businesses. (Photo Beacon Center) Nashville hair stylist Pat Raynor says it is unjust and ugly for city government in Nashville to make her an outlaw for practicing her trade. (Photo Beacon Center) NASHVILLE, Dec. 5, 2017 — Today, the Beacon Center teamed […]
Sharp raps TIF subsidy for local developer
Helen Burns Sharp Helen Burns Sharp is a model for other concerned localists in knocking commercial government in Chattanooga and Hamilton County. She offers list of criticisms for a F$5 million tax subsidy for Evergreen Real Estate to extend West M.L. King Boulevard to the Blue Goose Landing Trailhead on the Tennessee Riverwalk. Note artist’s depiction […]
Join me in hearing surprise speaker at bill of rights banquet Dec. 15
Constitution-loving Tennesseans salute the U.S. flag at the bill of rights dinner December 2016. June Griffin, Southeast Tennessee’s matriarch of the constitution, is at center, top photo, in Dayton, Tenn. (Photo David Tulis) Enjoy fellowship and a hot meal on Dec. 15 in Dayton at the 16th Bill of Rights dinner organized by a prominent defender […]
Authorities see policing limits as harassment of homeless adds to jail woes
Homeless man Henry Knotts talks about city government’s evisceration of a homeless camp under a bridge in Jauary 2016. (Photo TV 12 WDEF.com) Chattanooga appears to be more blessed compared to other cities as regards its homeless people as city government is nowhere near as punitive as other cities in police treatment of homeless people. […]