Hixson Utility District admits putting fertilizer, aluminum factory ‘discharge’ into tap

In this graphic, Hixson Utility District makes a worrisome admission about an intentional contaminant it puts into drinking water — one it is being asked to remove. Fluoride is approved by the federal government. (Images Hixsonutility.com) Hixson Utility District faces renewed questions about its use of a contaminant, hydrofluorosilicic acid, which it puts deliberately as […]

Agency ‘entrenched in fraud’ of fuzzled inmate job data, grievances

This letter to the Tennessee commissioner of corrections says CoreCivic puts 100 percenters into social skills classes who can’t take them, and keeps other men out who can so that the latter group can be kept longer in prison. CoreCivic, the for-profit prison company, tells Grenda Harmer he is out of the life skills class […]

Police reform’s hidden goad: Chattanooga v. Davis case

State DAs such as Neal Pinkston have accepted continued violation of the state legal system, a violation that involves the overlooking of cities’ enforcement of state law. It’s been going on 16 years, despite a powerful high court ruling inviting DAs to act and overturn the city police concept. With police, city corporations overturn state […]

Q&A: Guards abusive in prison system that enriches corporations

Tennessee prisoner Grenda Harmer complains of abuse at several state slavery installations, the most recent one in which he is confined run by CoreCivic, a for-profit company trading as CXW at about F$26 a share. (Photo David Tulis) The following is my interview by correspondence with Grenda Harmer, a whistleblowing inmate  consigned to Morgan County […]

Jail officers torture teenager in restraint chair with prolonged Taser bursts

This video is not for queasy people, but shows the extent to which officials will go to represent state authority on a personal level to one held in its control. (80 seconds, Video YouTube) Deputies tortured a prisoner in Cheatham County on Nov. 5, 2016, using stun guns at point-blank range and holding the trigger […]

Gangland in blue: Forced blood draws, cavity searches, colonoscopies

Nurse Alex Wubbels resists an unlawful demand for a warrantless blood draw of an auto accident victim by cop Jeff Payne in Utah on July 26. (Photo YouTube) The Fourth Amendment was designed to stand between us and arbitrary governmental authority. For all practical purposes, that shield has been shattered, leaving our liberty and personal integrity […]