Feisty woman ‘1st political prisoner in Dunlap’
Carol Gaddy, holds an MIA flag given her by June Griffin of Dayton, Tenn. Next to Mrs. Griffin is Ruth Ann Wilson of Dayton. Partly visible is Jennifer Edmonds, a mom of six from Dayton. Mrs. Gaddy has just been released from two days in jail in November 2016 on a finding of contempt. (Photo […]
Inmate to Haslam: Does jailer oath bar ‘hurling profanity’?
Gov. Bill Haslam oversees a corrections system that under the Tennessee constitution allows the enslavement of people convicted in court or plea bargained outside of it —29,000 people, mostly men. (Photo wrcbtv.com) WARTBURG, Tenn., Morgan County Correctional Complex, Aug. 10, 2017 — Dear Gov. [Bill] Haslam, Tennessee Department of Correction Commissioner Tony Parker is allowing Warden […]
Gov. Bill Haslam
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Gaddy stabs back at writhing Sequatchie judicial python
Kelly Gaddy, right, gives an interview to David Tulis prior to helping his jailed mother, Carol, file a petition for writ of habeas corpus in Sequatchie County, Tenn., in a case of abuse of process against an innocent homeowner. (Photo Noogaradio.com) Carol Gaddy has filed a petition asking a judge to review the continuing abuse […]
10 forms of slavery blacks endure today (largely without realizing it)
This monument to a Confederate general, A.P. Stewart, should offend less than the requirement of the party represented in the building behind, one that says black people cannot marry without state permission. (Photo MP on Flickr) Black activists and Democrat-oriented sympathizers have it easy. They complain bitterly about statues of Confederate notables such as Gen. […]
Posturing on cemetery OK, and let’s overlook slaughter of black children
This view of the Confederate cemetery puts it between Amnicola highway on the left and UTC. (Photo Google Earth) Tweet Pin It
Berke’s press ban: ‘No matter what he says, he’s not media’
Andy Berke names David Roddy chief of police Aug. 4, 2017, before a group of local media whose members are unlikely to ask questions about the trouble police officers have in obeying state law and caring about citizens’ God-given and constitutionally guaranteed rights. A ban by the mayor’s office of a blogger suggests that the Chattanooga […]
All education is selective, not comprehensive
Strong support for Tennessee’s defeated marriage interposition bill came from Rev. Matt Trewhella, a man rich in children and author of the book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate. (Photo Matt Trewhella) I spend much time out on university campuses preaching. I often have some of my children with me when I do so. The […]
Bullet points on the leftist rally in Chattanooga
Critics of swastikas and National Socialist theories from 1940s Germany await the beginning of a left-wing rally in Chattanooga on Aug. 17, 2017. (Photo David Tulis) The leftwing rally in Chattanooga exhibited some of the best and worst of progressivism. The bad: its harsh demeanor against dissent, its fruity sexual mores and its fractured analysis of […]
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