Despite patriotic nostalgia, Dayton rally urges Christians to restore order
Re-enactor Jim Maddox recites the declaration of independence at a God and country rally in the Scopes monkey trial courtroom in Dayton, Tenn., just as a bit of tape loses its grip on a patriotic plastic banner. (Photo David Tulis) State Sen. Mae Beavers, a candidate for Tennessee governor, rises to give a brief oration […]
Search panelist Ramsey neutral on life-saving police reform
Techtown CEO Chris Ramsey and staffer Gwyneth Wilson greet parents at the end of a computer summer camp at the nonprofit group’s classrooms downtown. Mr. Ramsey is on a committee of five advising Mayor Andy Berke on selecting a police chief. (Photo David Tulis) With the application window closed now, 49 people have applied for […]
Soddy-Daisy roadblock hits 2 nights over holiday
This video shows one of the escape routes for a roadblock tonight and Saturday near the Regions bank in Soddy-Daisy. (Photo David Tulis) Update. The city will run its roadblock tonight under the Highway 27 overpass in rainy weather 10 p.m. to midnight. DT Our earlier story: Soddy Daisy will be running police roadblocks tonight […]
Execution by firing squad: The militarized police state opens fire
Muzzle blasts from a police pistol slay Philando Castille in a notorious police execution. (Photo Facebook) “It is often the case that police shootings, incidents where law enforcement officers pull the trigger on civilians, are left out of the conversation on gun violence. But a police officer shooting a civilian counts as gun violence. Every […]
Council says ‘Gig City’ concept merely marketing claptrap
Blake and Lexi Bozarth serve city guests at their residence, and want the city to prosper from an expansion of Airbnb’s network. But they are not angered by the city’s pretended authority to regulate the short-term vacational rental field. (Photo Lexi Bozarth, Facebook) City council votes to deny free market progress in many parts of […]
Council raises digital wall around Airbnb, barring hundreds from home-based business
John Muller regrets that Glenwood is outside a district for short-term vacation rentals, an omission that will slow the growth of and investment in that area. (Photo David Tulis) This map shows areas of town that will be allowed to take part in home sharing rentals. Homeowners outside the district face enforcement action, though the […]
State wrecks family 2 years; TN judge says rickets, not beatings, caused fractures
Chris and Keshia Turner hold their sons in 2016. (Photo Turner family, By Health Impact News/ Staff It was the best news ever for Chris and Keshia Turner of East Tennessee. After 2 1/2 years battling Child Protective Services, their children are home. On June 24 Keshia posted the happy news on Facebook. When Health […]
Airbnb ordinance violates ‘arbitrary, capricious’ rule in TN law
Children take part in a worship of God in a St. Nicholas school event. The school rejects a biblical defense of property rights, and instead is peddling fear of strangers and is complicit in a city council effort to defraud homeowners of their rights by regulating home-based short-term rentals. (Photo City council appears on […]
Sky tattoo program gets more scrutiny as dangers persist
Deposits of coal fly ash show themselves in various stages of diffusion over the skies of Hamilton County, Tenn., on June 6, 2017. Notice how particulate matter streams away from the main body of the ash deposit. (Photo David Tulis) David Tulis listens intently to J. Marvin Herndon of San Diego, a crusty nuclear geoscientist […]
City searches for police chief; local economy v. official violence
The deadline passes for applications among those who want to be considered by Mayor Andy Berke and city council for chief of police. The official culture of violence in policing, however, begs for review by concerned citizens and a clamor for a reform-minded top officer. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet Pin It