Unmarked police chase cars cause fear in 50% of travelers
The use of unmarked police cars in Chattanooga is not authorized by statute, which however gives sheriff’s departments a blanket OK to run such cars for undercover operations “and other purposes.” The practice is a threat and cause of fear or terror among at least 50 percent of the Chattanooga population. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet Pin It
‘Gig City’ flames lower as council imposes map on Internet
From left, Jane Pardue of Balharbor Neighborhood Association; Cynthia Stanley-Cash of North Brainerd Neighborhood Association; and Lee Earl and Pat Barley of the Balharbor neighborhood oppose gains of the digital sharing economy across city neighborhoods. (Photo David Tulis) Thick flak is bursting around Chattanooga as its Gig City global marketing brand, trailing smoke, drifts lower Tuesday before […]
Twilight of courts: Elusive search for justice in American police state
Angel and Jennifer Mendez with the child she was carrying when she was shot by police. “As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the […]
Using this secret power, you undo an evil law, at least today
The power within. As juror, you exercise huge power. David Tulis reveals secret. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet Pin It
Justices OK police shooting after warrantless search startles homeless couple
The supreme court justified the shootings of this couple during a warrantless search. As Chattanooga mayor Andy Berke is seeking a police chief to replace one who’s leaving, it becomes more important for the city council and the citizenry to demand a chief who is accountable to the fact that every human being is made […]
Lone resister defies judicial-industrial complex: ‘Indict me’
Highway patrol officers use cruisers like this one for commercial enforcement purposes on the public highways in the state. (Photo TV3, Danny Viar) Lone man stands in front of Tiananen Square tanks, as it were, in a grand jury report for Hamilton County, Tenn. He is unwilling to plead guilty, and forces the system to […]
Citizen commission could highlight crimes by state actors
State oversight of police officers is lax under the auspices of Hamilton County district attorney Neal Pinkston, and city police officers such as these readily escape responsibility for acts upon the citizenry that are torts and crimes, as in the Hanson Melvin case. (Photo Wdef.com) Does Chattanooga need a private commission to review abuses by […]
Rules for Airbnb belie Gig City idea as puffery, not reality
Prosperity for Gig City requires absolute openness for Airbnb, for the sharing-economy that is UNREGULATED. Go Giggers. The David Tulis show. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Tweet Pin It
Eminent domain attorney Sanders briefs new law, Parkway fight
Parkway Towers, though an eyesore, marks a victory of property rights over the powers of eminent domain. (Photo Wrcbtv.com) It’s not often an interview guest on my show at Noogaradio 1240 AM 92.7 FM files a brief with the host on the topics they will explore. But attorney Adam Sanders, a specialist in eminent domain […]
Parents, kids as fellow schooling escapees
Home educated children throng the annual homeschool expo in Chattanooga. This year’s event is held July 21, 21. (Photo CSTHEA) By Tammy Drennan One of the saddest sights is to see photos of 20 or 30 kids sitting in a classroom, shut away from real learning, shut away from all meaningful resources, shut away from […]