Northgate mall sky stripes
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Jets dump tons of coal fly ash on county in war on sunlight
Months of minor treatments of the atmosphere by the national government end Thursday morning over Chattanooga in an intense bombardment of utility waste serving federal weather policy and its 60-year-old program of aerosol geoengineering. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 Tightly knit formations of jet planes strung white tattoos across the blue skies, with morning […]
Bizarre hail Nebraska May 11 2016
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John Gentry andD David Tulis
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Gentry readies petition for remonstrance, asks for traffic stop reform detail
A remarkable project is about to be birthed in which John Gentry, a certified public accountant who resides in Goodlettsville, Tenn., tells the general assembly about innumerable grievances brought against the people by the dominant private interest in Tennessee, namely members of the bar — attorneys and judges, who operate as a combine to deprive […]
Notice undoes security breach against the people
Transportation administrative notice Tennessee is a righteous cause that undoes a security breach against the people. And that is their right to be free “from unreasonable searches and seizures” and to be “ secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions,” article 1, section 7 in the state constitution. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio […]
Berke ignores notice, slighting your rights; but, there’s a hidden benefit
Mayor Andy Berke exercises leadership for City of Chattanooga, a municipal corporation whose powers are strictly limited under state law. His form of leadership requires him to disobey Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 55. (Photo mayor’s office) Mayor Andy Berke is a member of the state’s judicial branch who has crossed over into the executive […]
Just as city fell into injustice one person at a time, so will it become just amid reform
For there to be reformation in Chattanooga there has to be a change in the individual. For there to be fig, maple and apple trees and their fruit, structural brambles and thorns must be heaped and burned. The gospel truth works from the individual outward. If my city or yours is going to have reformation […]