Mrs. Watt stands ground vs. abusive traffic arrest

A woman who was charged in a viral 2018 arrest in Chattanooga is refusing to cooperate with police and prosecutors by yielding her rights and entering a plea deal. Diana Watt, who works as a caregiver among the elderly, says she has no intention of accepting hastily proffered deals on a stack of criminal charges […]

Powerful traffic court defense if ‘driving on revoked’: Necessity

If you signed the criminal complaint against you (traffic ticket) and are in the crowd of people awaiting to confront your accuser, the hallowed State of Tennessee, you have a defense that came from the lips of the world’s most innocent, yet most accused, person. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio And that is the […]

Using pleasure, whimsey to defend right to travel

The ideas of liberty of movement are worth exploring because they are positive benefit to Chattanooga and Hamilton County and and encouragement of capitalism and entrepreneurship. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio As we have seen in transportation administrative notice, the freedom of movement has a keyword. That is pleasure. The roads exist for the […]

Does attorney know legal landscape in city has shifted?

Attorney Robin Flores is a lawyer who regularly engages in lawsuits against cities and counties for abusive police practices. Mr. Flores, also a member of the NAACP, may be unaware that the legal landscape in Chattanooga has shifted in favor of the citizenry and against high-handed and gangland-style cop departments. How so? The earth moved, […]

New stimulus for Hammond chief: Traffic stops limited

The toughest question Gino Bennett asks me is, “Are you saying that a person who is committing a violation is not under the authority of our officer?” Mr. Bennett is the chief lieutenant of Jim Hammond, Hamilton County’s elected sheriff, and is almost always attending to the county’s most powerful man as his director of […]

Last party likely to help minorities end city oppression: Lawyers

Transportation administrative notice is coming up on its 1st year as a newfangled reform doctrine and public document, hanging over the heads of Chattanooga-area city governments and the state’s executive branch. Those who know the most about it are readers of this website and listeners of my weekday show at 1 p.m. at 92.7 NoogaRadio. […]

Gentry readies petition for remonstrance, asks for traffic stop reform detail

A remarkable project is about to be birthed in which John Gentry, a certified public accountant who resides in Goodlettsville, Tenn., tells the general assembly about innumerable grievances brought against the people by the dominant private interest in Tennessee, namely members of the bar — attorneys and judges, who operate as a combine to deprive […]

Sideways chicken bone in Mayor Berke’s throat

This letter to assistant city attorney Keith Reisman will get no answer, under the argument that the city attorney’s office does not give legal advice to anybody but the city. But it is the key question pending reform in Chattanooga of a major police abuse of the public that Mayor Andy Berke continues to practice. […]