Paper ignores free market revival plan, keeps journalists in diapers

My days as a newspaper copy editor are over, but I refer to my fingertips, still, as ink stained. Libertarian powerhouse editorialist Drew Johnson was fired on accusations that a widely noted editorial bore an inappropriate headline that was changed outside of newsroom regulations. The Chattanooga Times Free Press head was, “Take this jobs plan […]

Food freedom lights way to exit for U.S. cultural, economic disaster, II

A boy clutches a chicken; citified boys suppose chickens come from grocery store meat departments. (Photo Please read Part I of Franklin Sanders’ interview with Joel Salatin. Joel Salatin is at the cutting edge of the food freedom movement, the family farm’s rebirth, and the New Agriculture, holistic farming that works with nature instead […]

Notice undoes security breach against the people

Transportation administrative notice Tennessee is a righteous cause that undoes a security breach against the people. And that is their right to be free “from unreasonable searches and seizures” and to be “ secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions,” article 1, section 7 in the state constitution. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio […]

City attorney Noblett listens to claims about right to travel, limits on cop power

In a meeting with the city attorney’s office I bring up the question of whether ChattyWagon is involved in transportation. Transportation is carrying goods or people for profit and gain and for hire. The Chattanooga tourist business gives rides for free so that it might advertise for its sponsors (free speech). The city attorney argues […]

Across board, rise of executive military state brings death, destruction

Hanson Melvin sits in the waiting room of district attorney Neal Pinkston’s office, reading a perjured indictment Mr. Pinkston won against him that the DA dismissed the next day in criminal court. But Mr. Pinkston lets go two criminal cops who made abusive, perjured arrests, one of whom was aided by a conspiracy of officers […]

For cops, anything goes — DAs, cronyism, law shield abuse

Tennessee state Rep. Gerald McCormick sponsored a bill to give more legal favor to citizens on patrol (cop) by making an assault on an officer a “blue lives matter” felony. (Photo Twitter Gerald McCormick) “There is one criminal justice system for citizens — especially black and brown ones — and another for police in the United States.” […]

Humiliating TVA traffic stops show poverty of TN government

A TVA police officer, Scott E. Stone, gives me this business card after stopping a woman for having a motor vehicle tag that didn’t match her car. (Photo David Tulis) The TVA traffic enforcement story is raising alarm because it suggests how far down the state has sunk and, with it, its people. By David […]

TVA cops use TN statute to harass Highway 153, other travelers

TVA claims law enforcement jurisdiction as against the people in seven states, the authority to chase people down in traffic stops under the Tennessee code annotated even though expired or mismatched car tags do not endanger the public safety nor the operation of coal-fired electricity plants. (Photo Wikipedia) Tennessee law appears to allow for TVA […]

Gladden, Coonrod traffic stop typifies commercial enforcement

Anthony Gladden speaks to an officer from behind the wheel of a car. (Photo Times Free Press / Chattanooga police department) A traffic stop June 24 involving a car owned by city councilwoman Demetrus Coonrod is a picture of commercial government and its enforcement by police. The encounter on M.L. King Boulevard that night, city […]

Abusing Gaddys, Land wrecks good name; Greer for mayor

Jennifer Lockhart Greer teaches history and civics at the high school. The personal liberties secured under constitutional government are the fruit of simple promises. In Dunlap, Tenn., an elderly couple hiding from authorities are simple enough to believe these promises and to stand firmly upon them. By David Tulis / The city’s civil prosecution […]