TVA sues to condemn private lands for power line shortcut
TVA sues Greg Vital and other landowners in Chattanooga area under eminent domain so it can take the easy way out in running a power line to its proposed control facility. (Courtesy 92.7 NoogaRadio) Tweet Pin It
‘Rebuttable presumption’ keeps motorists in thrall; how to rebut ‘driver’ status?
This sketch explores how TAN separates commercial users of the roads (drivers, operators) from travelers. The left column is that of the ultra vires [beyond the scope] statist status quo. The right-hand column tells the benefits of reform if Chattanooga becomes a sanctuary city from Tenn. Code Ann. Title 55. Local economy has a theory strongly […]
How hiphop artist C-Grimey might use administrative notice in crunch
Cameron Williams is like thousands of people in the Chattanooga area — burdened by a revoked or suspended or canceled driver license. But what if he just has to get into a car and steer down the street — and what if he’s caught? (Photo Cameron Williams on FB) Cameron Williams, or C-Grimey, is a […]
State agencies raid Burt, other families for children needed to keep cash flow
Shameca Burt and her suitcase of legal papers from which she fights for her children, though the state terminated her momma’s rights for all of them. Mrs. Burt of Chattanooga researches the law and asserts her claims for damages as a “pro se litigant” and belligerent claimant in person, going to the federal courthouse three […]
Shameca Burt
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Breezy legal ad dries paint around police chief Roddy, Sheriff Hammond
Police chief David Roddy deals with members of the public at an event at Unum insurance. Mr. Roddy and Mayor Andy Berke are under administrative notice about the limits of police transportation enforcement powers against people using cars, trucks and motorbikes on Chattanooga streets, boulevards, roads and freeways. (Photo CPD) An affidavit of classified ad […]
Angry momma works on her case: Affidavit about her ‘attitude’
Angry momma Shameca Burt is at the public library working on an affidavit in one of her three federal cases against “the good people” at Child Protective Services who arbitrarily and capriciously trafficked her children — all nine of them, without a particular cause of action alleging abuse for each child. No cause except that […]
Jawbone of ass will slay 1,000 Philistines
Samson’s exploits are many, here seizing the door of a city. My proposed check on abusive police powers in Chattanooga Is a weak vessel indeed, A mere use of words telling cops that they can’t keep doing as they have against innocent people on the roads for 80 years. But often God uses weak and […]
Notice project will gain foothold in individual acts of courage at local level
Sheriff Jim Hammond got transportation administrative notice March 1, 2018, and refused to alter traffic stop practices, despite clear limits in state law outlined in a notice he did not rebut. (Photo David Tulis) Local economy has a theory strongly and insists on bottom-up reform, and rejects the hope of top-down reform, especially where constitutional […]
Noogacentric journalism energizes coffee roasting businessman
Telos Coffee Roasters in Johnson City, Tenn., is run by Jonathan Muse, seen below with his wife, Cari, and children. The following note is from an admirer of our work, Jonathan Muse, who works in the coffee business in Johnson City, Tenn. We are seeking to promote Christian rebuilding, local economy and free markets here […]