By David Tulis

The following is a letter from Judge Roy Moore, the chief justice of the Alabama court system, who argues for constitutional government and the concept of interposition and nullification. He argues that it is a duty of those we’d call lesser magistrates to ignore lawless opinions orders, to lay aside and resist pretended orders and commands by those who lack lawful authority to impose them. This obligation is especially vital when the lawless directive acts spitefully directly against God and his ordinances, among which marriage is one. Marriage is a creational ordinance, no less vital to humankind than the force of gravity or oxygen in the atmosphere.

The challenge to Christendom by the modern state and those intending to queer it toward private license is huge. The value of the doctrine of the lesser magistrate is that it concedes that the “top” of government has been seized by the wicked, and that it is the duty of those in lesser roles to block the evil intended to be thrust upon lesser officials and upon the people. Christendom ignored the Reformation theory of godly interposition when Roe vs. Wade was decided as an opinion that was converted by consent into a de facto law. It has another opportunity, as Judge Moore suggests, when the threat rises of a national redefinition of marriage from the high court.

Here is Page 1 of Judge Roy Moore’s letter to Gov. Robert Bentley. Below are the second two pages.

Here is Page 1 of Judge Roy Moore’s letter to Gov. Robert Bentley. Below are the second two pages.Moore Page 2

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