My annotated printout of the 2013 butchery record of boys and girls in Tennessee.

My annotated printout of the 2013 butchery record of boys and girls in Tennessee.

By David Tulis

Desolation of heart among women in Tennessee is so great that thousands of them every year destroy their children before birth.

Every 13th baby among Caucasian women is decapitated and destroyed in utero. Every fourth nonwhite baby is slain, according to the state’s department of health and its division of policy, planning and assessment — the health stats office. The state routinely publishes moldy data about what it clinically calls ITOPs, or induced termination of pregnancy incidents.

Among whites, 5,045 babies are destroyed in 2013 but 60,892 are born. So one baby is violently killed for every 12 born. Among “nonwhites,” the decimation is considerably deeper, an attack on a minority race by its mothers. The state says 5,497 nonwhite babies are killed compared to 18,921 births. That amounts to every fourth nonwhite baby.

Hamilton County — growing grace

For several years the number of babies destroyed hung at about 300. In 2013, the toll is 258 babies killed of all races. That’s about 50 fewer souls than in 2012, when the toll was 307 boys and girls.

That fewer women “choose death” is perhaps a mercy upon Hamilton County, an expansion of God’s grace in culture and society.

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