I have joined thousands of other Christians in a cost-sharing ministry that lets me choose my own doctors, get 100 percent reimbursement and support other Christian families pay their expenses.

By David Tulis

An event covering medical expenses will focus on how Christianity and the free market provide an alternative to what sponsors say is a dysfunctional and immoral medical care payments system.

The gathering Sept. 29 will focus on Samaritan Ministries and its services to people in the Chattanooga area.

The “Christian Alternative to Medical Insurance” talk by Jamie Pyles is at 7 p.m. at Brainerd Hills Presbyterian Church at 6488 East Brainerd Road in Chattanooga.

Samaritan Ministries provides the structure for its members to share each others’ medical bills. In its direct sharing model, each member gets instructions each month on another member in need.

Singles pay $180 a month and families of any size $405.

Religious cost-sharing ministries are not insurance and are exempt from the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

Samaritan has no deductibles for illness or injuries, lets Christian families choose all providers as cash customers, offers 100 percent reimbursement, allows personal expressions of care and concern among member families and avoids supporting practices such abortion.

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