Jane Bullington explains the value of life to a woman at Middle Tennessee State University. (Photo Fletcherarmstrongsblog.com)

Jane Bullington of Knoxville explains the value of life to a woman at East Tennessee State University. (Photo Fletcherarmstrongsblog.com)

By Jacqueline Hawkins

It had been four years since we visited East Tennessee State University.  In 2012, it was a successful Choice Chain.  This time, it was our full Genocide Awareness Project.  We couldn’t think of a better way to spend Holy Week than work to save the “least of these brothers and sisters” of our Lord (Matthew 25:40).

One young pro-life woman was emboldened by our presence and went head to head with a pro-abort teacher’s assistant.  The TA had brought her class to watch her confront and defeat (she hoped) Fletcher Armstrong of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform in a battle of wits.  Unfortunately for the poor TA, she came to the battle unarmed.

The pro-life student was a senior with a husband and daughter.  She knew a lot more about life than the typical college student.  It was awesome to see her in action, using her life-experience to confront the selfish naive notions of those who really didn’t understand the glories of motherhood.

At the end of the second day two students held protest signs in their lap as they lounged on the steps of the library.  They offered no compelling argument to justify decapitating and dismembering little human beings.  If somebody could only offer such an argument, it would save us all a lot of trouble.

It was a successful two days.  Things didn’t get too rowdy, so it was a perfect school to warm up for the more intense encounters to come.

Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor. Essay from fletcherarmstrongblog.com.

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