Telos Coffee Roasters in Johnson City, Tenn., is run by Jonathan Muse, seen below with his wife, Cari, and children.

The following note is from an admirer of our work, Jonathan Muse, who works in the coffee business in Johnson City, Tenn. We are seeking to promote Christian rebuilding, local economy and free markets here — and in other towns, too. — DJT

Do you actually understand the politics of the city you live in (the politics most relevant to your livelihood)? Do you want to start understanding how municipalities actually work? Then listen to David J. Tulis. He is a tremendously important voice based in Chattanooga, Tenn., but the content of his show can translate to anywhere in the States.

He covers a wide range of topics from an unashamedly biblical worldview, such that a regular listener gains a much better understanding of the world around him, much more so than can be gained from the mainstream media or anyone who is still concerned with the shenanigans in Washington DC and trying to solve problems from a humanistic misunderstanding of reality. He focuses on issues over which the individual average Joe can have some actual influence. We need more David Tulises *** in the world! And we definitely need to keep David doing more and more of what he’s already been so successful at as he has faithfully persevered. Vote for David and go fund him! Click link below. 

God bless you David and thank you for your labors!

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