Transportation administrative notice Tennessee

Chattanooga police officers in two cruisers enforce Title 55 of the Tennessee Code Annotated against a man on state highway 153 who is, by rebuttable presumption, a driver and an operator of a motor vehicle — but who may just be a private traveler caught in a legal snare set up by local officials in […]

Red Bank arrest alleges traveler Luman in transportation business

Jon D. Luman, 3512A Oakland Terrace., Red Bank, Tenn., is a carpenter and handyman and has a stubborn streak visible even today among hardy remnants of old-style Americans. In the summer of 2017, this married man and the father of three grown children had an encounter with a Red Bank police officer who arrested him […]

Unity Group hears about police powers notice

Transportation administrative notice is a remedy for the plague of police abuse, I tell members of the unity group Sunday night. I am asked to give a presentation about police abuse and a blockade I have prepared against police along a pathway cops use for easy access to black people and others. By David Tulis […]

With police powers notice, we need not bow down to Haman

When Haman saw Mordecai in the king’s gate, and that he did not stand or tremble before him, he was filled with indignation against Mordecai. — Esther 5:9 For the past year, Chattanooga has been under administrative notice regarding the state transportation law and its limits. The evil being done by city police upon thousands […]

Notice undoes security breach against the people

Transportation administrative notice Tennessee is a righteous cause that undoes a security breach against the people. And that is their right to be free “from unreasonable searches and seizures” and to be “ secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions,” article 1, section 7 in the state constitution. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio […]

Berke ignores notice, slighting your rights; but, there’s a hidden benefit

Mayor Andy Berke exercises leadership for City of Chattanooga, a municipal corporation whose powers are strictly limited under state law. His form of leadership requires him to disobey Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 55. (Photo mayor’s office) Mayor Andy Berke is a member of the state’s judicial branch who has crossed over into the executive […]

Bill clarifies rights of travel, policing of transportation in N.H.

A bill by Rep. Dick Marple in New Hampshire retains police power over trucking and transportation, but bans cops from enforcing the transportation statute on people not involved in for-hire use of the roads. (Photo A bill before the New Hampshire general assembly would codify the common law right of free movement on the […]

How hiphop artist C-Grimey might use administrative notice in crunch

Cameron Williams is like thousands of people in the Chattanooga area — burdened by a revoked or suspended or canceled driver license. But what if he just has to get into a car and steer down the street — and what if he’s caught? (Photo Cameron Williams on FB) Cameron Williams, or C-Grimey, is a […]

Notice project will gain foothold in individual acts of courage at local level

Sheriff Jim Hammond got transportation administrative notice March 1, 2018, and refused to alter traffic stop practices, despite clear limits in state law outlined in a notice he did not rebut. (Photo David Tulis) Local economy has a theory strongly and insists on bottom-up reform, and rejects the hope of top-down reform, especially where constitutional […]