Governor pretends resistance to gay tide, quickly calls it quits in Wisconsin

Gov. Bill Haslam meets with state regulators in August 2013. (Photo For us, it’s over in Wisconsin. The federal courts have ruled that this decision by this court of appeals *** is the law of the land and we will be upholding it.” — Gov. Scott Walker [I have been considering our situation in […]

Local economy & its enemies: Absolutism of administrative law

Dr. Philip Hamburger (Photo Columbia Law School) [The marketplace arguments for local economy and liberty of action are in our day pressed down nearly to death by the regulatory state. A main source of power for the total security state is administrative law, which absorbs any of those with whom the state has a conflict […]

Local economy implies you have a Plan B as crisis builds

Many charts about national economy suggest it is not sustainable. (Graphic [Local economy is an idea that bears closer investigation because it carries along the idea that each of us must have a backup plan if national economy buckles and drags down our current mortgaged comforts and routines. My argument is that we should […]

As state abuses worsen, we ask: What is the color of law?

The paper dollar caper: American currency prior to the national government’s abandonment of honest money. Text of Federal Reserve note makes the green rectangle an “I owe you nothing” instrument. Under color of law, how about. By David Tulis We often say that state actors who violate your rights are acting under color of law. […]

Why I refuse to marry couples under state license

Many couples marry under the authority of a state license rather than exercising common law rights. (Photo Ginger Sumerlin photography, Chattanooga) By Matt Trewhella Every year thousands of Christians amble down to their local county courthouse and obtain a marriage license to marry their future spouse. The file their paperwork with the state unquestioningly. They […]

Tulis asks explanation today from Rep. Fleischmann on white stripes

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann speaks to a constituent in his Tennessee district, blessed with fresh cloud protection from the U.S. sky striping program. (Photo Unknown aircraft today flew heavy flight patterns over Hamilton County, a second day of artificial cloud-making in the federal government’s confident war against sunlight for the sake, ostensibly, of the salvation […]

Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering in a nutshell: Bad news

This sky over Hixson, in Chattanooga, Sept. 11, 2014, shows the hazing out of the sun, a prime objective of U.S. climate modification soupmaking. [I am new to the weather modification story and until recently scoffed at scattered reports about global temperature increases. But work by an American writer and researcher suggests that I was […]

Public schooling: Getting out is not enough

By Tammy Drennan I talked with a young lady the other day – 14-years-old – who loves horses and aims to own stables and teach riding, among other things. She’s been working with horses since she was five. She’s good enough now that she “breaks” new ones and retrains ones facing changes in the use […]