Syrian refugees to stream into city

Chattanooga will host refugees — potentially in the hundreds — from Syria, a country torn by U.S. government intervention and an effort to overthrow its Western-oriented government, that of Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite Muslim who has treated Christians with respect. The refugees may include more militant Muslims who intend to bring jihad to Tennessee. […]

Bid to uncover harassment on state highways stonewalled

Commissioner Bill Gibbons takes part in swearing in 45 troopers June 18 in Nashville in front of the War Memorial Auditorium. (Photo Department of Safety on Facebook) Since June I have been requesting information about the state’s highway and travel control apparatus and apparent irregular treatment of certain users of the public roadways. Realizing I’m […]

Jets dim sun over U.S. by spraying plumes of coal ash, scientist says, sickening people

Tennessee is the target of an intense program of artificial cloudmaking for which has been made “no public admission, no understanding, no academic investigations, no informed consent, and no disclosure as to the nature of the toxic substances being dispersed into the air,” a critic asserts. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch Facebook) The skies over Chattanooga are […]

TN cop aims shotgun at pregnant woman, man with camera

Memphis police practice lethal threats to two citizens on a porch, including a pregnant woman, during the filmed arrest of a defendant. Note bad language. 3 minutes. As the modern nation-state declines, the rationale for military organizations called “police departments” fades. Police departments are perhaps the most dangerous of armed gang in any city and […]

Scientist ogles sky stripe pollution, but politburo scrubs paper

This set of photos are included in a scientific paper asserting sky striping materials contain toxic waste materials from the energy sector. (Photo J. Marvin Herndon) By David Tulis A remarkable academic conflict is opening a rich vein in efforts by members of the public to discern the outlines of an official government pollution program […]

Keep 1 in the chamber: Local economy vs. jihadis

College killer Mercer admired jihadis, & Sheriff Jim Hammond in Hamilton County warns of future bloodlettings by Muslims. Paul Sutliff, expert on civilizational jihad, explains how Islamic system allows deceit, hatred, sexual slavery, progressive destablization of victim states such as Tennessee. Does a local economy solution exist to Muslim acts of war? (Courtesy Hot News […]

City practices mall massacre as Hammond warns of new Muslim acts of war

Chattanooga SWAT cops practice dealing with a massacre Sept. 24, 2015, at Hamilton Place mall in Chattanooga after its stores are closed for the day. (Photo Jim Hammond, Hamilton County sheriff, makes dramatic warning of a state of war between Islamic theology and constitutional government. Without a ban on jidhadism and Muslim immigration, he […]

Schooling empties souls; but we can still educate children

Using a variety of media, an American mom named Linda educates six children ages 10 to 17 at home and writes a blog about family life and learning. (Photo Training6hearts4him) By Tammy Drennan I’ve been trying to get my head around the American attitude about education (and I’m American). I sometimes think that we Americans […]

Obama uses language of liberty, free enterprise, but rejects local economy ideal

Broad and Main streets are of little interest to the U.S. president, who in a speech to the U.N. favors global economy and global “management“ of human society. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis The arguments for local economy and free markets sometimes cannot be heard for their breathlessness, their being stifled by more powerful […]

Perils of online schooling

By Franklin Sanders Professor X is a tenured professor at a large state university. He teaches in a discipline that requires great labor, technical expertise, and years of study to master. No doubt some subjects can be taught online and many presentations online are helpful and valuable. But the professor is in no mood to […]