Noogacentric journalism energizes coffee roasting businessman

Telos Coffee Roasters in Johnson City, Tenn., is run by Jonathan Muse, seen below with his wife, Cari, and children. The following note is from an admirer of our work, Jonathan Muse, who works in the coffee business in Johnson City, Tenn. We are seeking to promote Christian rebuilding, local economy and free markets here […]

‘Practicing the King’s Economy’ puts God’s heart into capitalism, welfare

People depart after worship at North Shore Fellowship in Chattanooga, a church where civil engagement and justice are taught as part of Christians’ mercy upon the world. Author Robby Holt is pastor. (Photo David Tulis) Pot luck beats soup kitchens as Christians develop personalistic, open and charity-oriented ideals of local economy, entrepreneuership and free market. […]

How Berke could win all sides by restraining cops, ordering ’open’ city

Mayor Andy Berke speaks with members of the audience at a campaign debate at UTC in 2017. (Photo David Tulis) I realize it will take a while for the policy and political implications of transportation administrative notice to take effect. For busy men such as Mayor Andy Berke and city attorney Wade Hinton, it will […]

Common law society vs. statutory, state-centered society; which is freer?

Chattanooga police officers close off a street after having investigated a suspicious package left in a neighborhood, one that proved harmless. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 In my pursuit of understanding local economy in the Chattanooga area, I have explored the idea of common law versus statutory systems such as Tennessee […]

Whaddaya mean certified? Danger of trusting experts

Confident of his assumptions, Irving Fisher in 1929 predicted smooth sailing and a “permanently high plateau” prior to the market meltdown. (Photo Wikipedia) In the summer of 1968 and again in summer 1969 I worked as an inhalation therapist at Ochsner Foundation Hospital in New Orleans. What, you may ask, did I know about inhalation […]

Despite patriotic nostalgia, Dayton rally urges Christians to restore order

Re-enactor Jim Maddox recites the declaration of independence at a God and country rally in the Scopes monkey trial courtroom in Dayton, Tenn., just as a bit of tape loses its grip on a patriotic plastic banner. (Photo David Tulis) State Sen. Mae Beavers, a candidate for Tennessee governor, rises to give a brief oration […]

Why rulers promote a pietistic form of Christianity

Franklin Graham is right about many things, including abortion, Islam and the failings of the Republican party. But he also extends the claims of privatized Christianity and pietism into the hearts of listeners in Chattanooga and elsewhere. Pietism was a movement which originated in the late 17th century. Pietists believe Christianity or God’s Law has no […]

Melvin’s virtue heightened, cop’s vice worsens as city video airs

Hanson Melvin talks to the driver of a police cruiser in which he is confined; David Campbell arrested him without probable cause and perjured himself in his police report and before the grand jury, but Mr. Campbell is not being charged with a crime. (Video Chattanooga Police Department) Chattanooga officer David Campbell was fired in […]

Disintegration in homeschooling; cultural changes affect groups’ godly mission

An exhibitor at the home education expo in Chattanooga shows four children a printed wonder. The event is held every summer in Camp Jordan. I worked for the homeschool newsletter Esprit before I was married, and a decade ago, as the father of four children, was handed the role of editor. I’ve been thinking lately […]