How local economy ideal creates social capital, local mercies

How idea of local economy brings social capital to individuals, families in beleaguered hometown. Dustin Sprick, a homeschool dad and telecommuting programmer, and David Tulis. Today and tomorrow. (Two segments, 20 minutes each; courtesy NoogaRadio) Tweet Pin It

Killing of Sexton after chase cries for policing reform

High speed police chase in Hamilton County ends in slaying of Chris Sexton, 29, who violated a domestic order of protection. Policing at its best? Or worst? Four reforms are called for to save American lives, end risks for other travelers. David Tulis asks Sheriff Jim Hammond to upgrade deputy training (Courtesy If Berke is […]

Housing ‘free trade zone’ gives homeless a chance to settle

Mayor candidate Larry Grohn proposes trade school revival but rejects free market concept to benefit homeless. I propose the benefits of blight, because a “town” created by homeless people using castoff recycled building materials may look pretty bad to high-minded people like us. But we should get out of their way and not let our […]

Your shantytown is my housing free trade zone

Scrap lumber like this on a construction project on Main Street of Chattanooga would be recycled by homeless people for their own “free trade zone” dwellings. (Photo David Tulis) A worksite dumpster could become the “home depot” of homeless people if they could build their own dwellings in an unregulated housing free trade zone in […]

Gays hold Pride event as minister preaches God’s victory plan

The Rev. Eddie Jacks of Resurrected Reformed Baptist church in Chattanooga preaches the sovereignty of God and the victory of the gospel over sin and its imperial pretenses. (Photo YouTube) Activist Marcus Ellsworth of Chattanooga preaches conquest of gay theory and humanism by compulsion, threat and high court rulings. (Photo YouTube) The Rev. Eddie Jacks […]

Man refuses to bow; judge, prosecutor toss busted case

Hanson Melvin is in a cheerful mood outside the Hamilton County courts building in Chattanooga after having his case dismissed. (Photo David Tulis) A black pedestrian was cleared today of criminal charges that he caused a public disturbance when he stood his ground against police demands he produce a driver license and tell his social […]

Charges against an innocent man dismissed, to be expunged

Hanson Melvin is in a cheerful mood outside the Hamilton County courts building in Chattanooga after having his case dismissed. (Photo David Tulis) A black pedestrian was cleared today of criminal charges that he caused a public disturbance when he stood his ground against police demands he produce a driver license and tell his social […]

Uriah the Hittite, honorable man, model for local economy

Uriah the Hittite is faithful to the army of Israel and to King David, even though his lord betrays him and orders his death. (Photo When Christians on the Lord’s Day hear a sermon about King David’s adultery with Bathsheba, they are often left in the dark about Bathsheba’s husband. Uriah the Hittite was […]