Obama uses language of liberty, free enterprise, but rejects local economy ideal

Broad and Main streets are of little interest to the U.S. president, who in a speech to the U.N. favors global economy and global “management“ of human society. (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis The arguments for local economy and free markets sometimes cannot be heard for their breathlessness, their being stifled by more powerful […]

City acted in good faith in mass evictions, reporter Cook says

Reporter Dick Cook of Eastridgenewsonline.com tells what’s happening at Superior Creek Lodge in East Ridge, a dwelling for 800 poor Tennesseans shut down by executive fiat on public safety grounds without the slightest grant of due process rights to either tenants or landlord. (Courtesy AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio) Tweet Pin It

Parasite capitalist city wrecks poor-man hotel, hurls families from homes

Mike Williams, interim city manager of East Ridge and fire chief, second from right, joins others review conditions at Superior Creek Lodge in East Ridge. Others are fire marshal Kenny Custer, back turned; and Brian Adams, an engineer serving the property owner, left. (Photo Dick Cook Eastridgenewsonline.com) It’s an epic manmade disaster is what I […]

Rebuilding your local economy

Franklin Sanders explains how if we develop local economy we insulate ourselves from the disaster ahead in the state-run and debt-based national economy. He is a trader in precious metals and publisher of The Moneychanger newsletter. His talk is given at the the Fayette County courthouse in Somerville, Tenn., and coincides with many arguments developed […]

‘Just say ‘on’; how a two-lettered word gets confused

David Alan Carmichael lives without a social security number, and his children were reared without them. He just says no. He defeated the U.S. Navy in its refusal to accommodate his religious beliefs, a conflict that led to that branch’s unlawfully giving him the boot. By David Tulis Chattanoogans may well be deserving of the […]

Purpose of Common Core: Centralize, standardize, digitize, harvest the young

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. (The more that changes, the more it’s the same thing.) — French proverb In part a review of The Educator & the Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges the Gates Foundation by Anthony Cody. (New York, Garn Press, 2014. 199 pages, no index. $15.30 from abebooks.com) By Franklin Sanders […]

‘Noogacentric’ hot news talk radio platform brings prosperity into view

A car dealer uses balloons to bring shoppers to his lot. (Photo Bankrate.com) Lococentrism is something richer and better than the standard Civic Forum and chamber of commerce variety. It is full of our specific place on the map. But also more. It is about ideas, about free markets and free minds, of people submitted […]

City event focuses on ‘Samaritan’ alternative to med insurance

I have joined thousands of other Christians in a cost-sharing ministry that lets me choose my own doctors, get 100 percent reimbursement and support other Christian families pay their expenses. By David Tulis An event covering medical expenses will focus on how Christianity and the free market provide an alternative to what sponsors say is […]

Should $79 billion state nickel, dime us to inspect public records?

By this simple form we can learn about the operations of state government. By David Tulis The general assembly is considering a pay wall for people to merely peek at state government studies, dossiers, reports, filings, grant requests and the like. In meetings this week in Knoxville, Nashville and Jackson, officials are soliciting public comment […]

Border law feeds poor to lions; also, Rev. Maize rebukes police

Refugee crisis putting 1,500 souls onto streets is prompted by seizure mentality, thanks to easy money for city under Tenn. Border Region Retail Development District Act. Whew. In Part 2, Deborah Fisher fights bid to close Tenn. open records provisions. Part 3: Does existence of police make things better, worse for blacks? Ezra Maize explores […]