Special interests will resist efforts to end police militarization

The 9-minute history of police militarization features Professor Abby Hall of the University of Tampa. What has led to the use of military-grade weapons and tactics among American police forces? What financial and political interests will resist a bid to demilitarize local police and sheriff’s departments? Tweet Pin It

Tennesseee militia figure warns Bundy standoff ripe for manipulation

This book suggests ways in which to survive if social order breaks down and citizens are required to prosper without the perks of commercial government. By David Tulis A Tennessee free militia activist says the Bundy family seizure of a federal park facility in burns, Ore., is dangerous and liable to be turned to the […]

Wealth-building ideas counter state-induced dependency

Planners in Hamilton County use a democratic gloss to wiggle forward with their ideas about cities and their residents. By John Anthony In spite of President Obama’s slick candor and a sympathetic media, the devices he uses to create his centrally “governed” society are vulnerable. Like an underdeveloped nation torn between wealthy landowners and the […]

Worried about terror risk this holiday? Shop at small businesses

St. John’s is a little restaurant downtown Chattanooga owned by Josh Carter. Local economy eateries and shops are less likely to draw the interest of a national brand-conscious terrorist. (Photo St. John’s Restaurant) By Duke Cumbelich There are so many reasons to shop at your local small businesses. You are helping your fellow neighbors by supporting […]

The destructive influence of pietism in American society

First Baptist church in Chattanooga has a program that helps the homeless and offers an open house every Thursday providing a free meal and Christian teaching. (Photo First Baptist Church Chattanooga) [The system of thought within Christianity that makes God’s people unwilling to interact with culture, law, politics, the arts, science and media is pietism. […]

‘Dear county clerk’ letter says constitutional law trumps judges’ opinion

“Respect for law” is the theme of a 2013 event by a civic club in which Robin Langford, a county detective, left, receives an award. At right is Emily Job, president of the Scenic Chattanooga Optimist Club. Respect for constitutional law awaits its own congratulatory ceremony. By Rick Womick (July 21, 2015) Dear County clerk, […]

Rebuilding your local economy

Franklin Sanders explains how if we develop local economy we insulate ourselves from the disaster ahead in the state-run and debt-based national economy. He is a trader in precious metals and publisher of The Moneychanger newsletter. His talk is given at the the Fayette County courthouse in Somerville, Tenn., and coincides with many arguments developed […]

‘Noogacentric’ hot news talk radio platform brings prosperity into view

A car dealer uses balloons to bring shoppers to his lot. (Photo Bankrate.com) Lococentrism is something richer and better than the standard Civic Forum and chamber of commerce variety. It is full of our specific place on the map. But also more. It is about ideas, about free markets and free minds, of people submitted […]

City event focuses on ‘Samaritan’ alternative to med insurance

I have joined thousands of other Christians in a cost-sharing ministry that lets me choose my own doctors, get 100 percent reimbursement and support other Christian families pay their expenses. By David Tulis An event covering medical expenses will focus on how Christianity and the free market provide an alternative to what sponsors say is […]

Border law feeds poor to lions; also, Rev. Maize rebukes police

Refugee crisis putting 1,500 souls onto streets is prompted by seizure mentality, thanks to easy money for city under Tenn. Border Region Retail Development District Act. Whew. In Part 2, Deborah Fisher fights bid to close Tenn. open records provisions. Part 3: Does existence of police make things better, worse for blacks? Ezra Maize explores […]