Hirsch victory dinner marks God’s work on people in state system
Lawrence County farmers’ market gets under way in Middle Tennessee with the fruit of the earth, 90 percent of which is God’s grant for man’s use, 10 percent of which is required as a return to the Creator. (Photo mainstreetlawrenceburgtn.com) On June 11 a criminal defendant will host a victory dinner at a church fellowship […]
State troopers take private sector by storm, bully travelers into commerce
State troopers display themselves and their vehicles in 1937, the year Tennessee state government created the commercial driver license and began a process of threatening all car and truck users into commerce. (Photo Statetrooperplates.com) State troopers originated as a biker club that received state sanction. (Photo Statetrooperplates.com) The state enforces traffic laws against people it […]
Cabbies, haulers subject to state control; what about you, private user?
David and Jacqueline Parker run Covenant Transport, which profits from the use of the highways, and is subject to state control. The word “driver” is legally a commercial usage. (Photo Covenant Transport Inc.) Tennessee state government has authority to regulate one group of people on the public roads, but not another. The regulatory power it […]
Fiddle Man says judge should not let prosecutor dance with wooden leg
Russell Parkes, circuit court judge in Lawrence County, Tenn. The “Fiddle Man of Lawrenceburg” is urging a judge to find state government in contempt for refusing to show up for a hearing in its efforts to jail him for exercising a constitutionally protected right. Prosecutor Tammy Rettig was a no-show at a May 2 hearing […]
Tenn. judge salvages state’s muddled case vs. folk hero, shields no-show DA
Arthur Jay Hirsch, “the Fiddle Man” of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., is challenging the state’s claims in commerce against the vital property right of free travel on the public highways. Defending criminal charges allows him standing to overturn a lawless operation of the state’s executive branch. (Photo David Tulis) LAWRENCEBURG, Tenn. (May 2, 2016) — Confusion reigned […]
Yearly emissions test reminds of state’s conversion of right into privilege
An emissions test worker in Chattanooga looks over a Honda Odyssey minivan that passed inspection. (Photo David Tulis) The young woman at the emissions testing center has purple dye in her hair. She’s friendly. She asked me for my papers and to step out of the car and to stand over by the blue chair […]
Cops handcuff, arrest 10 schoolkids, legitimize authority with violence
Karl Durr, police chief of Murfreesboro, Tenn. The handcuffing and arrest of 10 elementary school children in Murfreesboro, Tenn., during school on April 15 is a picture of the religious presuppositions of the modern state. Their abuse during a matter of bullying outside Hobgood Elementary school suggests how police act as enforcers not just of […]
Tennessee county ready to confiscate reporter cellphones, laptops as ‘weapons’
A citizen entering Lawrence County, Tenn., courthouse goes through a new screening process. Cell phones and other standard equipment of media are confiscated. (Photo Lawrence County sheriff’s department via Facebook) The brittleness of the state is evident in its precautions for the “safety” of its facilities and employees. Across the country paramilitary organizations engaged by […]
In TN, what to pray about: 6 things the Lord hates, even 7
In happier days, Charlotte Whitaker toys with son Jaden before state government kidnapped him in 2013 and severed his parents’ rights. (Photo Medicalkidnap.com) Is the state evil? Is the state the source of peril, danger, wickedness, threat, injury and death to families in Tennessee? Is the state the source of decapitalization, loss, loss of hope, […]
If we were a free people, who would pay?
Reflections on the conviction of Arthur Jay Hirsch for the exercise of constitutional rights in Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Dec. 11, 2015. You may also enjoy these related essays by David Tulis and Roger Roots Free-range motorist seeks to vaporize charges, asks they be heard ‘in agency’ ‘Fiddle man’ vows appeal after jury rejects constitutional protections Hirsch […]