Berke would make enemies if takes tough action over roadside abuses

Mayor Andy Berke of Chattanooga celebrates residents’ creativity in his state of the city speech April 19. (Photo Andy Berke) Ending police abuse of the traveling public in Chattanooga and beyond is an exciting prospect that will increase freedom and liberty in the area, draw more people to live and prosper here, and become an […]

Cops stop truck transporting explosives without permits, placards

Bags of explosive material sit in the back of a Ford pickup without being secured according to the Tennessee transportation code in title 55. (Photo THP) A Tennessee highway patrol trooper arrests a driver transporting explosives without proper permit or markings. (Photo THP) Law enforcement intervention against travelers on the roads in Tennessee operates many […]

Driver license racket operates in realm of administrative law

A backhoe strips old tarmac from the street in front of the Chattanooga News Chronicle on M.L. King Boulevard in Chattanooga in the same way transportation administrative notice strips from the roadway an encrustation of noxious police practices working against the pre-1938 liberties of traveling Tennesseans. G’s Detroit Sausages shares the building. I sense a […]

City slow to enforce misshapen Airbnb ban

City government’s appointee for economic development has been tasked with blockading economic development on the Internet. (Photo LinkedIn) It may be good that Chattanooga city government is bureaucratically slow in getting into gear its surveillance of the short-term vacation rental market. Donna Williams of the mayor’s economic and community development office has the unfortunate duty […]

Hammond says massacre risk too slight to shut down schools

Sheriff Jim Hammond chats with people in the audience prior to a school board meeting Thursday in Hamilton County’s barbed-wire fence-protected administrative compound. (Photo David Tulis) Sheriff Jim Hammond refuses to order a shutdown of Hamilton County public schools even though he describes them as being subject to a “type of war” — the gunman […]

Hammond mulls 7 questions on travel right, transportation privilege

Truck driver Benjamin Brewer, who kills six people in a 2015 Chattanooga crash, is sentenced under state and federal law for being an operator of a motor vehicle who violated the rules for commercial use of highways. Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond is mulling questions i sent him March 8 following a March 1 interview […]

Chattanooga — sanctuary city right wing would love (under administrative notice)

David Tulis of 92.7 NoogaRadio gives a 4-minute followup chat with members of Chattanooga city council to tell more about his transportation administrative notice that notifies the city of limits to Tennessee law as touching the use of cars, trucks and motorbikes on the public right of way. He says by curbing cops’ illicit use […]

Breastfeeding traffic stop of free traveler turns out benignly

Breastfeeding traffic stops — the best kind. An organic-minded free-ranger traveler in his car is stopped by a deputy in McNary County, Tenn. Jason Caissie is a traveler — not involved in commerce or business in his use of the road — and the deputy declines to arrest him as he is trained to do. […]

Backers of homeless prick Roddy, Berke trial balloon ban on panhandling

Regina Ledford shamefully admits to city council that she panhandles to survive her poverty. Other critics of a proposed begging ban are Jean-Marie Lawrence, left, and Beth Foster, right. (Photo David Tulis) The left wing of Christendom is out in force to denounce a police harassment bill in Chattanooga sought by Mayor Andy Berke’s executive […]