The global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga

  Jets lace Chattanooga skies Sunday afternoon, Sept. 14, 2014, with some frames showing 9 trails. Later, in early evening, I watch jets flying south leaving no plumes. Empty dispersal craft? A plume over my church in Brainerd dissipates Sunday in bright but hazed-out sun. Chemtrailing is a global phenomenon that gives control of weather […]

City heavily treated with high-altitude aerosol dispersals 2 days

This clip posted by Dane Wigington at is of an Airbus A340-200 dispersing aerosol ingredients over an unidentified location. It shows four busy-bee emissions nozzles aligned more or less with its engines, and a secondary dispersement emitted from possibly the tail. We are getting no less here. Chattanooga was heavily sprayed today and yesterday […]

Chemical nucleation of snows and arrival of bizarre weather

Dane Wigington reviews the weird weather ahead that comes from the artificial nucleation of the skies, bringing bizarre hot-cold conditions, 75-pound ice balls washing up on the shore of Lake Superior, car-crushing hail and remarkable emissions of methane as globally hotter skies cause oceans to warm and gas to be released from below. In 2013, […]

Photo gallery: Origin of city’s haze U.S. jet-laid greenhouse gas emissions

Sky stripes spread by federal government aircraft over Southern Nevada turn into clouds, pursuant to U.S. climate control policy. (Photo Facebook) Sky stripes muddy the sky over downtown Chattanooga Aug. 7, 2014. Persistent contrails, laid aloft over Phoenix as part of the war on global warming, spread about as clouds and blot out the sun, […]

Uncle sky stripes city on national holiday; should we worry, or say thanks?

The U.S. sky stripes Chattanooga on July 4, 2014, though few people are aware of the program enough to thank it. This scene greets me looking up through my workplaces’s front door. By David Tulis / Americans celebrate their country’s patriotic day looking up to exploding fireworks in the night sky. On Thursday thousands […]

Wall of skepticism makes invisible aerial salvation by U.S.; still, look up

This image is from a Mississippi TV station report debunking geoengineering. These are mere harmless contrails — water vapor. By David Tulis Chattanooga was sky scratched May 19, 21, 22, 24 (heavily), 26, 27, 30, June 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 14. Two days within this time frame, May 28 and […]

State would sweat under EPA lockdown, but prof warns against chemtrail breakout

This graphic shows several wondrous ways of seeding the sky with clouds to protect the earth from a newly discovered enemy, the sun. Jet delivery systems are omitted, as no one has realized aircraft payloads can be technology other than bombs, bullets and missiles. By David Tulis / Local economy has many enemies that […]

Tulis demands air data, says aerial spraying probably not illegal

Federal law leaves open emergency measures to save the planet, but bans chemical spraying of civilian populations if part of a test, absent written consent. [News release] Radio station owner David Tulis is filing an open records request with the Chattanooga Hamilton County air pollution control bureau. In paperwork sent Monday through the leisurely U.S. […]