Moore, Alabama’s top judge, backs lesser magistrate doctrine

By David Tulis The following is a letter from Judge Roy Moore, the chief justice of the Alabama court system, who argues for constitutional government and the concept of interposition and nullification. He argues that it is a duty of those we’d call lesser magistrates to ignore lawless opinions orders, to lay aside and resist […]

Should city government sell porn? A review of underlying law

By David Tulis The sale of pornography by Chattanooga city government  is a matter of concern because pornography is an ideology that makes war on contentment. The human condition most obviously in view is sexual contentment — with one’s wife or husband, or with one’s state as an unmarried man or woman. Porn incites a […]

Freedom assailed in U.S. twilight, but liberty movement grows, II

(Photo Leon County, Fla., sheriff’s department) By Ron Paul The economic and moral decay of American society is reflected in the loss of liberties. This problem affects all Americans and not just the poor in the inner city. Gradual erosion of personal and economic liberty has proceeded for a century. The loss of our liberty […]

Grim police state, urban societal breakdown ahead as U.S. runs down

Police officer shoulder their rifles in a dramatic pose illustrating the rise of the warrior cop and the decline of entrepreneurial liberty. (Photo WRCB TV12) By Ron Paul If Americans were honest with themselves they would acknowledge that the Republic is no more. We now live in a police state. If we do not recognize […]

Baylor helps reflate economy with state-sponsored $13 million in red ink

Baylor School in Chattanooga is beneficiary of a F$13 million bond issue by the state. (Photo Baylor website) By David Tulis A government body’s creation of F$13 million in bonds for an exclusive private school in Chattanooga is a picture of commercial government writ rich. Last week a board of a state corporate subdivision known […]

The rise of policing despite constitution; or how cops became legally superior, apart

Protesters in dowtown Chattanooga join thousands around the country in late 2014 protesting police slayings of unarmed people. (Photo Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson on Facebook) Police work is often lionized by jurists and scholars who claim to employ “textualist” and “originalist” methods of constitutional interpretation. Yet professional police were unknown to the United States in 1789, […]

Shall we toss corporate charter? Yes, church governors say in 5-0 vote

State government graciously gives a small Presbyterian church a new and eternal life, that of a state corporation. It happened May 7, 1954. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. — Psalm 118:8, 9 […]

If licensing scheme runs on consent, ‘illegals’ may be freer than citizens

Immigrants and free citizens who use the roads without driver’s licenses are charged with a crime under Title 55 of the Tennessee Code Annotated. [I have been giving time to digesting Tennessee Code Annotated Title 55, covering “motor and other vehicles.” It seems to pose no threat to Hispanics and immigrants in Tennessee who use […]

Judges give cheerful defense of democratic processes, states’ rights, federalism

Lesbians march in Boston in 2008, having converted laws and state government to their perspective. (Photo By David Tulis The authority of states and their peoples to define marriage is being cheerfully upheld by an appellate opinion in Cincinnati that make clear marriage laws such as Tennessee’s are rational, imposed not with bigotry but […]

FBI cements Republican, Democrat stranglehold on national state

John Whitehead [Local economy holds the results Tuesday’s balloting for officeholders as a matter of indifference. The success of either Republican or Democrat in Washington promises no relief, no reform. Indeed, national government’s and national economy’s problems are unreformable. The U.S. is run by a duopoly, and behind that a more clearly evident deep state. […]