TV spot fibbery: Amendment 2 ‘protects our right to vote for judges’

An establishment bid in Tennessee to beef up the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government is filled with clever dissimulation. For one, TV spots and fliers say voting for Amendment 2 “protects our right to vote for judges.” It protects our right to vote in Soviet-style retention election for judges after a […]

How by act of levitation feds turn marriage law into empty shell

Faith in high tech and a high level of public service have kept Hamilton County Clerk Bill Knowles in office. The gay revolution coming to Tennessee will test his resolve and faith as a Christian and publicly elected official. (Photo By David Tulis The debate over Amendment 1 to the Tennessee constitution brings to […]

Amendment 2 gives judicial branch to state’s political elites

With fliers such as this one, the political establishment in Tennessee is deceiving members of the public into giving up their constitutional right to elect judges. By David Tulis Tennesseans should not be snookered by the political establishment’s power grab in Amendment 2. The constitutional revision is a concession you are asked to give to […]

Jet flights by hundreds drag white scars across city skies on Lord’s Day

Intense banks of manmade cloud shroud Chattanooga skies after a day in which an estimated hundreds of jets fly over the city, laying sky stripes.  This scene of apartment building roofs in Brainerd suggests the intense level of aerial activity over Chattanooga, a civilian enclave not ceded by vote of the legislature as a property […]

Neutron bomb theory of law puts Haslam, Knowles in confrontation with oaths

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam By David Tulis Some Christians refuse to take oaths. They prefer to “affirm” a matter in their own name, that they will testify truthfully or obey a constitution on taking office. It is an error to refuse to invoke God’s name as witness in a trial or in taking up as […]

Ruling frees cops to be more secretive, alienated from the people

An appeals court ruling in June lets Chattanooga police chief Fred Fletcher have the liberty of shrouding records in “ongoing” cases — secrecy, in other words. (Photo WRCB TV) By Deborah Fisher The Court of Appeals in Nashville has kicked the can farther down the wrong road when it expanded police powers so police agencies […]

Governor pretends resistance to gay tide, quickly calls it quits in Wisconsin

Gov. Bill Haslam meets with state regulators in August 2013. (Photo For us, it’s over in Wisconsin. The federal courts have ruled that this decision by this court of appeals *** is the law of the land and we will be upholding it.” — Gov. Scott Walker [I have been considering our situation in […]

Local economy & its enemies: Absolutism of administrative law

Dr. Philip Hamburger (Photo Columbia Law School) [The marketplace arguments for local economy and liberty of action are in our day pressed down nearly to death by the regulatory state. A main source of power for the total security state is administrative law, which absorbs any of those with whom the state has a conflict […]

As state abuses worsen, we ask: What is the color of law?

The paper dollar caper: American currency prior to the national government’s abandonment of honest money. Text of Federal Reserve note makes the green rectangle an “I owe you nothing” instrument. Under color of law, how about. By David Tulis We often say that state actors who violate your rights are acting under color of law. […]