It’s time DA Pinkston squints at TN traffic law, observes limited scope

This is the arrest photo of a man in Hamilton County charged with criminal violation of the traffic law. Under it, common people are charged as drivers and operators who do not have their papers in order, just as in fascist-racist countries such as South Africa under apartheid. ( Another defendant of Tennessee’s commercial statutes […]

Begging ban hits 9 pages of type + appendices as shopkeeps voice support

A red ribbon flutters toward the tarmac after William Green, cente, opens his M.L. King Boulevard eatery, G’s Detroit Sausages, a shop whose customers are frequently hassled by beggars. (Photo Facebook) Four opponents of a city panhandling ban talk local politics after a second city council meeting focusing on complaints about begging and harsh measures […]

Model for liberty, confidence, openness: Old Israel with no border wall

In what ways could city government in Chattanooga encourage the concept of sanctuary, where people fleeing evil elsewhere will be protected here? (Photo David Tulis) Welcome to Episode 43 of Axe to the Root Podcast, part of the War Room Productions, I am Bo Marinov, and for the next 20 minutes I will be getting […]

Might we work together, dear reverend, to abolish this roadside human trafficking?

God’s people at Greater Friendship Primitive Baptist Church in Glenwood and others in Chattanooga have an interest to work toward ending a police oppression upon the people through the state’s commercial transportation statute. (Photo Google) The following is a thank you letter to a Christian minister who has just given me an hour to discuss […]

Notice to Hammond: Reform required even though Haslam, judges, legislators opposed

Sheriff Jim Hammond talks with Greg Luther, left, at a 2014 political event. Mr. Luther is defending the right of citizenry to photograph department officers in any public place. (Photo David Tulis) The following is a letter sent to Jim Hammond, sheriff of Hamilton County, Tenn., regarding an interview about the laws he is charged […]

How Berke could win all sides by restraining cops, ordering ’open’ city

Mayor Andy Berke speaks with members of the audience at a campaign debate at UTC in 2017. (Photo David Tulis) I realize it will take a while for the policy and political implications of transportation administrative notice to take effect. For busy men such as Mayor Andy Berke and city attorney Wade Hinton, it will […]

Journalist gives city administrative notice on limits to police power

Police officers in Chattanooga conduct a transportation stop against a traveler who, under legal presumption only, is involved in transportation. (Photo David Tulis) David Tulis in Chattanooga city council chambers after giving the corporation administrative notice about the limits of police authority to enforce transportation law on all users of the public right of way. […]

Queries militant for TN governor candidate: Do you care for liberty?

Tennessee seizes travelers’ goods along the highways in the name of the federal drug war. (Photo Tennessee Highway Patrol) It’s been hard to take seriously the campaign for governor in Tennessee. Much of the discourse overlooks issues of liberty and constitutional restraints upon government. My questions are obnoxious, and while they would inject spice into the […]