Across board, rise of executive military state brings death, destruction

Hanson Melvin sits in the waiting room of district attorney Neal Pinkston’s office, reading a perjured indictment Mr. Pinkston won against him that the DA dismissed the next day in criminal court. But Mr. Pinkston lets go two criminal cops who made abusive, perjured arrests, one of whom was aided by a conspiracy of officers […]

Authority ex nihilo; trooper agency seems to exert power apart from law

A Tennessee highway patrol trooper takes part in a little PR with a boy, who enjoys sitting on his transportation enforcement motorbike. (Photo department of safety and homeland security) I reveal here a fascinating problem that the corporate state makes for itself, that is creating policies and procedures that go beyond the scope of statute. […]

Slaughter toll for babies at 151; still, God triples grace for city

This boy, Walter, lives only a few minutes after his mom, Lexi Fretz, miscarries the 19-month-old at an American hospital in 2015. (Photo F2 Photography by Lexi, Without doubt the influence of Christianity on Chattanooga makes it a remarkable city in which to live and prosper and raise one’s family. The influence of the […]

66% inmates in jail unconvicted as system ignores ‘guilty mind’ rule for prosecutions

Accountable to voters, Jim Hammond, center, opens a re-election bid for sheriff of Hamilton County as supporters gather at an event Oct. 19 downtown. Next to him is his wife, Jeannie, mother of their three children. (Photo David Tulis) The refusal of the judicial industrial complex in Hamilton County to uphold Tennessee’s guilty intention (“premeditation”) law […]

Berke cops reject constitutional rule to Mirandize all arrestees

David Roddy gives one of many interviews as Chattanooga’s chief of police. (Photo Chattanooga police department in its policy for traffic stops omits a significant element of public protection against arbitrary state power and poisons relations between the Mayor Andy Berke administration and members of the public, especially those traveling on the public right-of-way. […]

Hixson Utility District admits putting fertilizer, aluminum factory ‘discharge’ into tap

In this graphic, Hixson Utility District makes a worrisome admission about an intentional contaminant it puts into drinking water — one it is being asked to remove. Fluoride is approved by the federal government. (Images Hixson Utility District faces renewed questions about its use of a contaminant, hydrofluorosilicic acid, which it puts deliberately as […]

Feisty woman ‘1st political prisoner in Dunlap’

Carol Gaddy, holds an MIA flag given her by June Griffin of Dayton, Tenn. Next to Mrs. Griffin is Ruth Ann Wilson of Dayton. Partly visible is Jennifer Edmonds, a mom of six from Dayton. Mrs. Gaddy has just been released from two days in jail in November 2016 on a finding of contempt. (Photo […]

10 forms of slavery blacks endure today (largely without realizing it)

This monument to a Confederate general, A.P. Stewart, should offend less than the requirement of the party represented in the building behind, one that says black people cannot marry without state permission. (Photo MP on Flickr) Black activists and Democrat-oriented sympathizers have it easy. They complain bitterly about statues of Confederate notables such as Gen. […]

Berke’s press ban: ‘No matter what he says, he’s not media’

Andy Berke names David Roddy chief of police Aug. 4, 2017, before a group of local media whose members are unlikely to ask questions about the trouble police officers have in obeying state law and caring about citizens’ God-given and constitutionally guaranteed rights. A ban by the mayor’s office of a blogger suggests that the Chattanooga […]