Hammond mulls 7 questions on travel right, transportation privilege

Truck driver Benjamin Brewer, who kills six people in a 2015 Chattanooga crash, is sentenced under state and federal law for being an operator of a motor vehicle who violated the rules for commercial use of highways. Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond is mulling questions i sent him March 8 following a March 1 interview […]

Traffic controls rip poor, violate travelers’ rights, Hirsch says

Top photo, Jay Hirsch, the “fiddle man of Lawrenceburg” plays an uplifting tune at a funeral in Westpoint, Tenn. Bottom photo, a Tennessee Highway Patrol cruiser waits in a speed trap in Knoxville on a foggy morning. (Photos David Tulis, Gump at LCPDFR) An appeal from a criminal case out of Lawrence County, Tenn., challenges […]

To travel by right, defy citation under administrative procedures act

Most people accept being drivers of motor vehicles, and so obtain licenses to use their cars. But others as a matter of free market principle refuse to ask permission to use the road and their cars, and sometimes face a little roadside excitement. By Rob Wornell The basic concept behind the idea of the super-healthy […]

Marceaux rehearses career insisting on rights, defying cops, taunting courts

Cop watch activist Basil Marceaux is 66 years old and in ailing health. He has been arrested 27 times and attributes his courage in defying lawless public servants to his Marine Corps background and to a desire to preserve American liberties. Mr. Marceaux is the bane of Tennessee judges and clerks for his dogged dealings […]

Red Bank arrest alleges traveler Luman in transportation business

Jon D. Luman, 3512A Oakland Terrace., Red Bank, Tenn., is a carpenter and handyman and has a stubborn streak visible even today among hardy remnants of old-style Americans. In the summer of 2017, this married man and the father of three grown children had an encounter with a Red Bank police officer who arrested him […]

Berke ignores notice, slighting your rights; but, there’s a hidden benefit

Mayor Andy Berke exercises leadership for City of Chattanooga, a municipal corporation whose powers are strictly limited under state law. His form of leadership requires him to disobey Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 55. (Photo mayor’s office) Mayor Andy Berke is a member of the state’s judicial branch who has crossed over into the executive […]

Notice aids fight to overturn slick ruling on travel-transportation

Arthur Jay Hirsch waits for the court doors to open before his trial as a constitutional user of the roads in Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Dec. 22, 2015. (Photo David Tulis) A remarkable chancery court case in Lawrence County, Tenn.,, seeks to overturn a negative court of appeals ruling which denies the distinction between travel and transportation, […]

Taxi board oversees transportation, no authority over private travel

Justin Strickland is the new chairman of Chattanooga’s taxi board, which regulates “vehicles for hire,” those involved in commerce. (Photo David Tulis) Hotel marketing manager Justin Strickland is the new head of the city’s transportation board, a sleepy volunteer regulator that exercises authority over transportation in the city. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio Mr. […]

4 profiles in courage in Chattanooga — council hassles poor, Hammond hassles traveler

Chattanooga city council courageously votes to ban free speech by beggars in a pending panhandling ban. Only Demetrus Coonrod and Jerry Mitchell have objected. (Photo city government) Neal Pinkston prosecutes taxpayer watchdog Tim Boyd. Sheriff Jim Hammond hounds immigrant laborer Rodriguez for using car. Bradley deput cuffs man using phone camera. Darrin Ledford, other city […]

Chattanooga — sanctuary city right wing would love (under administrative notice)

David Tulis of 92.7 NoogaRadio gives a 4-minute followup chat with members of Chattanooga city council to tell more about his transportation administrative notice that notifies the city of limits to Tennessee law as touching the use of cars, trucks and motorbikes on the public right of way. He says by curbing cops’ illicit use […]